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“On it,” Brody said, tapping on his tablet.

“Have her leave all her stuff in one room and then move to another to talk,” Reyes said. “You can check to make sure she’s not wired.”

“But if anyone is listening and she goes radio silent that’s an issue,” Duke pointed out.

“Play some porn,” Brody suggested. “They’ll just think you’re getting it on. Just choose a part where no one speaks, I can find something. Maybe record your voice talking to mix in on it.”

Everyone stared at him again.

Ink sighed. “It’s not a bad idea.”

“We’ll situate ourselves in other rooms to be on the ready,” Reyes said. “We need someone inconspicuous keeping an eye out in the lobby of the hotel.”

“A couple of my guys can do it. They blend in better,” Ink said.

“What if she’s being forced to do this? In trouble and needs help?” Sunny asked.

“She could have just asked for help if she needed it,” he said stubbornly.

“Maybe she didn’t think you would help her.” Sunny stared at him with sad eyes.

Shit. That hit him harder than it should have.

“Let’s just do this.” He had to find out what was going on. And he was going to use Betsy to do that. It was no less than she deserved for using him all this time.


He wanted to meet for a date?

Was he insane? Maybe he hadn’t read the note. Shit. What if he hadn’t found it? What if it had fallen out of his pocket?

All that stress for nothing.

She chewed at her lip. What to do? What to do?

The phone was clasped tightly in her hand as she paced up and down. She hated this. She couldn’t do it anymore. It was too much. She didn’t think she could take any more pressure. It was like a vice around her head, getting tighter and tighter.

Life and death.

Why was it always life and death? Why couldn’t she have simple decisions to make? What to eat for dinner? What clothes to wear?

What to play with? What toy to sleep with?

She didn’t even own a toy. The only things she’d played with were at the club.

She missed being Little. Missed her Daddy.

You saw him last night. How can you miss him already? Idiot.

But she did. Because last night had been goodbye. She’d cried all damn night. She felt like shit.

And he wanted to see her. Tonight


Screwed. She was screwed. Okay, so he obviously hadn’t seen the note. She was going to have to meet with him and slip him another one. Was going to have to pretend everything was all right.

All she wanted was to be back in the Littles’ room at the club. Only this time it would just be her and Ink. She’d play. He’d watch her indulgently. Then he’d take her home and make love to her.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic