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She rolled her eyes. “Well, Jewel for a start…that woman has a hell of a mouth on her.”

Jason snorted with laughter.

Reyes sighed and ran his hand over his face. “Jewel’s language aside, what are you saying, Sunny?”

“It’s just she told Ink that it wasn’t all a lie. She asked you not to hate her. They don’t seem like things someone who was trying to…to hurt you would do.”

“She lied to me, Sunny.” He tried to keep his voice gentle, but he didn’t know how she could defend Betsy. “She pretended to care about me, to be a sub, to be a Little just to get close to me. Probably so she could plant evidence to get me framed for killing Senator Robins.”

“How long have you been a Daddy Dom, Ink?” Sunny asked.

He narrowed his gaze. “I started going to clubs when I was twenty, figured out I was a Daddy Dom about a year after leaving the Special Forces, so around six years. Why?”

“And you’re not able to spot someone pretending to be submissive? To be a Little?”

He frowned, thinking that through. “Look, so she was a good actress, all right? I’ve been fucking fooled all the way around.”

And boy did he hate to admit it.

“So if it was all lies, if she was some actress sent to seduce and betray you then why warn you?” Sunny asked quietly.

They were all silent.

“She’s got a point,” Razor said, watching him carefully. “Did you have any clue about any of this before this note?”

“No,” he admitted.

“So she could have continued to get close to you, planted false evidence or whatever it was she was going to do, then disappear from your life, leaving you with the fallout,” Razor mused.

He tightened his jaw. “Doesn’t make her innocent.”

“No, but we don’t know why she did all this,” Sunny said quietly. “Sometimes, you do wrong things for the right reason.”

Duke groaned. “Sunny, the Fox isn’t a secret good guy. He’s an assassin for hire. He didn’t kill the senator because Robins was an asshole who was raping and murdering young girls. He did it because he was paid to.”

Sunny gave Duke a look. “He’s not all bad. He saved my life, kept me safe and he made sure you all had an alibi. Well, except for Ink.”

Ink shook his head. “He had no way of knowing I’d stay behind to co-ordinate. I don’t think this has anything to do with the Fox. He doesn’t need to set me up to take the fall. Even if someone knew it that he was the one who murdered the senator how would they find him? The guy is a ghost. And why me?”

“Unless he’s somehow using this to have a hold over us,” Razor pointed out.

“He already has that,” Jason rumbled. “Any of us speak, he’ll come after us. We know he can get to us.”

“He won’t hurt any of you,” Sunny said fiercely. “He knows how much that would upset me.”

And that was likely the only reason the Fox would never come after them for what they knew. It would upset Sunny.

“He also knows we’ve got no reason to tell anyone what he did,” Reyes said. “We wanted the senator taken out as well. Sick fuck deserved to die.”

He did.

“Doubt this has anything to do with the Fox,” Duke said. “We need to know who Betsy is working with. And then we can figure out why she might have warned you.”

“Maybe she fell for you,” Sunny said quietly. “Maybe she changed her mind because she came to care for you.”

Before he could answer that, there was a knock on his door.

“Yeah?” he called out.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic