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Thing Two grabbed his crotch. “Been a while for you, Betsy? Bet you’re needing some meat between your legs. Put you in a better fucking mood. My anaconda will fucking rip you in two.”

God, could he be more disgusting?

“Anaconda? More like a worm is my guess,” she said disdainfully.

She should have been more careful. She was losing more and more sense of self-preservation as time wore on. He grabbed her arm and spun her, slamming her back against the wall. With his other hand, he grabbed ho

ld of her neck. What was it with these guys and trying to suffocate her?

He glared at her. “You want to be nice to me, Betsy. ‘Cause you don’t want to find out what happens when you’re not. What you fucking need is a cock in your mouth to teach you how to talk properly to a man when he offers to wet his schlong in your fucking dried-up cunt.”

Stars danced in front of her eyes as she clawed at his hand. She couldn’t breathe. Was this it? Was this seriously the way her life ended?

“There a reason why you’re touching the boss’s property?” a cold voice asked.

He eased his grip, turning away from her. She bent over slightly, taking in deep breaths as her body shook. Tears flooded her eyes and she hastily blinked them back.

Show no reaction.

“She needed a lesson in manners,” Thing Two whined.

“The boss tell you that you could touch her?” Kit asked calmly.

“She called his dick a worm,” Thing One said helpfully.

“Shut up, Frank,” Thing Two snapped back.

“Sounds pretty accurate to me,” Kit drawled. “It’s a mystery how you manage not to piss on your foot with how small that thing is.”

Shock filled her as Thing Two took a swing at Kit. Was he insane? The other man dodged the hit then grabbed Thing Two’s hand twisting it behind his back until something popped and Thing Two howled.

“Don’t fucking touch what doesn’t belong to you,” Kit said, pushing Thing Two away. “And take a swing at me again and I’ll end you. Fuck off, both of you.”

It wasn’t until Thing One and Two had slipped away that she realized she was alone. With Kit. And that he’d saved her.

She was under no illusion that it was because he cared. Or out of the goodness of his heart.

No, it was because he was smart. They couldn’t afford to harm or bruise her while they needed her. That’s what made Kit more deadly than all of them.

He didn’t let emotion touch him.

“I assume you want to see Forrest about this.” He drew a cell phone out of his pocket.

Her breath caught at the sight but she made certain not to show her eagerness. Any sign of weakness would be used against her.

“Now, before I give this to you, there are a few things for you to know. There is no Wi-Fi. It’s completely disabled. Every message you receive or send also comes to my phone. So watch what you say. Same with any calls. I can hear them all. Got it?”

“Yes.” So basically it was just another tool to use to control her. To keep her doing what they wanted.

He handed the phone to her, then before she could move away, his hand grasped her chin firmly. She froze. Her heart raced. Kit rarely touched her. Why did he need to touch her when he could intimidate her with a look or a few words?

“Be smart, Betsy. Remember what’s at stake.”

“I know what’s at stake. There’s no way I would ever forget it.”

“Good.” He moved away without another word.

She turned on the phone and then winced. Shoot. It was just after midday. Ink was going to be pissed.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic