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He had to grin. “Are you just going to repeat what I say, brown eyes?”

Her cheeks filled with color. “Sorry, Sir.”

He resisted the urge to run his thumb across her lower lip, to slip it between those full lips and tell her to suck.

Christ, man. Not the time or place.

Or girl.

“What would you like to play with? Your choice.”

“You mean you’ll stay with me? Don’t you have a scene to do? Oh no, did I pull you away from something? I’m so sorry.”

She started chewing her lip, looking worried.

He gave in and reaching out, slipped her lip free from her teeth, rubbing it. Christ, what was it about this woman that got to him so badly? That made him want to pull her close, keep her safe and at the same time, fuck her until they both forgot their own names.

“Your job isn’t to worry about me, understand? Your job, right now, is to have some fun.”

“Fun?” She looked like she had no idea what the word even meant. He hated that. Hated that her life might not be filled with fun and laughter.

“What would you like to do?”

She looked around, not saying anything but he saw the way her eyes lit up as she took in the kitchen area. It had a wooden kitchen, complete with pots, pans and wooden food. There were also plates and cutlery in the cupboards.

“Hmm, you know, I’m awfully hungry, I didn’t get any dinner. Think you could make me something?”

A look of uncertainty filled her face. She was less closed off in here than she was in the dungeon. Because she felt more comfortable?

He had no idea. Hell, if he could tell what a woman was thinking he’d be a rich fucking man.

“Please take pity on a starving man, Little one.” He rubbed his stomach, trying to look pathetic.

Her gaze dipped to his abs and he swore he saw her gaze light up with heat. Liked what she saw, did she?

“Okay, Sir.”

“How about in here, we try something different,” he murmured. “I don’t have to be Daddy, if that’s too much.”

“Actually,” she said quickly. “I think I…I might like that. If it’s okay with you?”

She was back to staring at the floor.

“I like it just fine, brown eyes. Now, cook Daddy some dinner. Before he starts getting grouchy.” He pretended to make a growly face and she giggled.

She paused, looking shocked. Shit. First, she seemed amazed at the idea of having fun and now she appeared dumbfounded after simply giggling.

What was going on with this girl?

“Here, why don’t we take these big girl shoes off first so you don’t hurt yourself. Sit on the floor.”

She sat down and he knelt, taking each shoe off carefully. He couldn’t resist running a finger over the top of each foot. Then he stood and helped her up. He placed his hand on the small of her back as they walked over to the kitchen area.

“What…what would you like to eat?”

“I want meat. None of those yucky vegetables,” he told her.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic