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“He’s a what?” she squeaked. Her breath came in sharp pants. That ended in a coughing fit. Damn cold.

“It’s okay, brown eyes, you’re okay. He wasn’t there to hurt you.”

“A-a-assassin? S-sunny is f-friends with an a-assassin?”

“Friends might be a loose term for their relationship. I’ll explain it later. He has no reason to hurt you. Pretty sure he only harms the people he’s hired to kill.”

She let out a burst of laughter. There was no humor in it. “He said he was used to dragging bodies around.”

“Christ. I’ll fucking kill him.”

“No. No. He did help me. I think I owe him my life.”

More silence. “I do not like owing that fucker something. But yeah, you’re right.”

Shivers racked her body. Fear was still flowing through her body. A small whimper escaped her lips. She was so cold. And scared.

Thunder roared and she let out a cry. Oh God. Just wonderful. It was growing even colder. There was a storm coming.

“Betsy? Betsy, you still there?”


“Betsy? What’s wrong? Tell me right the fuck now.” His voice was wild. He was on the edge.

“I’m all right. I’m okay. It’s just…I’m not used to the outdoors. And it’s dark. And cold. And I just heard thunder and it’s starting to rain.”

“Yeah, it’s pouring down here. It’s all right, brown eyes. I’m on my way. All you have to do is stay safe until I get there.”

“Maybe I should walk out towards the road. It will be safer there, right?”

“Just stay where you are. I’ll tell you when we’re close. Stone is driving my truck, Spike and Reyes are in his truck behind me. They all wanted to come, but Sunny’s in no condition to be moving around. And I needed Razor and Jason to stay with Royal and Baron. Don’t trust them not to sneak out after me.”

“Yeah, that sounds like something they’d do.”

“The safest thing is to stay where you are. Right now, you’re safe. All right?”

“All right,” she whispered.

“Brown eyes, I’m about thirty minutes away. You can do this. When I get there, I’m going to hold onto you and I’m not letting you go for a long time. You’re going to get sick of me, because Daddy isn’t letting you out of his sight for at least the next twenty years.”

She let out a small sob. “I must be suffering from shock because that actually sounds good. Ink?”

“Yeah, Brown eyes.”

“I lo—”

“Nope,” he interrupted her.

“Nope?” She didn’t understand. Was he rejecting her declaration of love?

“No, you are not telling me that for the first time over the phone, Elizabeth Victoria,” he said sternly. “You tried it before when you thought you were going to die. You are going to tell me in person. I’m coming, Betsy.”

This time, the tears slipped free, dripping down her cheeks. “I know. I know you are.”

“So you do your job, brown eyes. I’ll do mine. Yeah?”

“Yeah,” she agreed.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic