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Definitely not an outdoorsy sort of girl.

“Nice pun.”

“Pun?” He looked around. “Right, yes. We are in the woods, aren’t we?”

Okay, he was more than a little odd. But he’s here helping you, Betsy. Be nice.

“Do you…do you know where we are?”

“Of course I do.”

She had

to fight back the panic again. That wasn’t helping anything. “What do we do?”

“We hike out to where there’s cell reception by the roadside. It’s not far. The men who brought you out here, obviously didn’t want to walk far.”

“They wouldn’t,” she muttered. She didn’t look around for the bodies. She didn’t want to see them. And she couldn’t believe she was having to trust the man who’d killed them.

“What were you doing out here?”

“Rescuing you of course.”

“But how did you know I was here?” None of this was making any sense. Well, maybe it would if she could think past the pain and fear flooding her.

“Right time, right place?”

Right, obviously he didn’t want to tell her. Her shaking increased to the point where her teeth were chattering.

She wanted Ink.

She wanted for this guy to not turn into some psycho who was going to lead her off to his cabin in the woods, chop her into bits and have her for supper.

Well, if that’s what he’d wanted, he’d chosen the wrong girl. She was mostly skin and bones.

A wolf howled and she let out a cry. “I’m thinking it might be a good idea to leave now.”

“Y-yes. Yes, please.”

She pushed herself onto her feet, swaying.

I can do this. I have to do this.

“You okay?”

Peachy. Just peachy.

All right. Where was this sarcastic side of her coming from? She needed to just keep calm.

“I’m all right.”

“Good girl.”

It was something that Ink might have said to her and it filled her with longing.

This Fox guy ran his flashlight over her, as though assessing whether she was telling the truth. “Your wound doesn’t seem to be bleeding anymore, at least. It’ll wait until you get back to civilization. Come on. Follow me. Just watch where you’re stepping. All right?”

She walked behind him, thankful that he moved slowly. She rested her good hand against a tree trunk as she traversed a rougher part of ground. Would it have hurt him to offer his hand to steady herself with?

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic