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With Ink. She had to be home with him.

One breath. Another. You can do this, Betsy. Just wake the fuck up!

She opened her eyes again and let out a whimper as she saw she was in the same dark, damp hole. How did she get here?

Another pile of dirt landed on her.

Her breath sawed in and out of her lungs. Someone was shoveling dirt down on her.

r />

She tried to move again, moaning as her head protested.

“Hey! She’s awake? I thought you said she was dead!”

Who was that? The voice was familiar.

“She wasn’t moving. I thought she was dead.”

“You dumbass. Just because someone isn’t moving doesn’t mean they’re dead.”

“Well, fuck. What are we going to do? Should we bring her back up here and kill her?”

Memories tickled her mind. Lying on the sofa. The buzzer going. Seeing Sunny’s petrified face as Thing One held a gun to it. Calling Ink. Thing Two walking out of the elevator.

She’d been shot. Then she remembered falling. Pain had exploded in her head. Then nothing. All right, that explained her pounding headache and loss of time. Thing One and Thing Two had kidnapped her. The two idiots didn’t even have one oar in the water between them. Yet somehow, they’d managed to find her. After she’d been knocked unconscious, they must have brought her here.

And they’d dug her a grave.

A whimper escaped her, but nobody would have heard it over their arguing.

“You idiot! How would we get her back up here?”

“I dunno? A rope?”

“And she’s gonna put a rope around herself and just let us pull her up so we can put a bullet in her brain?”

Nope. She wasn’t doing that.

“Why do you think the boss doesn’t care about that asshole biker’s threats no more?”

“Because he’s planning on leaving the country, remember? Boss ain’t gonna be happy that we didn’t get the biker.”

“Fucking bad luck that we make a move when he’s not around. Maybe the boss won’t ask about him. Why’d we have to take care of Betsy anyway if we’re leaving?”

“Because she’s a loose cannon, asshole.”

“I think you mean thread, dickhead.”

There was a thumping noise but she was too busy thinking through what they’d just told her. Forrest was planning on leaving? No wonder he no longer cared about Ink’s threats to expose him.

Was Sunny all right? Had they hurt her?

“Is Sunny okay?” she asked. “How did you find me?”

There was silence.

“Great. Now she’s talking to us. How are we gonna do this while she’s talking to us?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic