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He’d see to that.

Betsy walked into the warehouse where Ink lived, looking around in surprise. Ink had been careful to make sure they weren’t followed, taking a round-about way to get here. Only those in the Iron Shadows and who worked for him knew where he lived.

They’d parked his truck in the lower level, alongside a sexy Harley.

An elevator had taken them up to a huge, open area containing a big sectional in front of a television mounted to the wall at one end and a kitchen at the other end.

And not much more.

It was industrial, with exposed pipes and beams, huge ceilings and polished concrete floors. A spiral staircase went to an upstairs area.

“Is this your home?”

How did he heat it? It was a really awesome space but there was nothing that indicated he spent any time here. Not even dirty dishes in the kitchen.

“Yeah. What do you think?”

“It’s very nice.”

He turned his head and grinned at her. “You hate it.”

“I do not.”

“You can be honest, brown eyes. In fact, I insist on it.”

He was using that voice on her. The one that made her shiver. He eyed her. “Cold? I’m not here a lot and I don’t really feel the cold. It might take a while to heat up.” He moved to a pad by the elevator. She guessed he was turning up the heat.

She didn’t explain that it wasn’t the temperature that was making her shiver.

“Mama said if I can’t say anything nice, not to say anything at all.”

“We both know how I feel about Mama. And I don’t think she followed her own advice.”

No. She did not.

“And while that might be true with most people, when it comes to me, you’ll always tell the truth. Understand?”

“Yes, Daddy.” It slipped out. But he was using his stern, Daddy voice and she felt her Little pushing forward. She was also feeling a bit uncertain at all these changes.

He eyed her. “Just stay Big for me for a bit longer while I show you a few things, okay? Then you can spend as much time as you like in Little space.”

She wished she could. Life would be much simpler if she could be Little all the time and let Daddy make all the decisions.

“Brown eyes?”

“I’m okay,” she whispered. “Just nervous about what happens next.”

He moved closer and wrapped his hand around the back of her neck, steadying her. “Well, first things first. You tell me what you really think about my pad.”


“Then I’m going to show you the security I have installed in case you’re ever here alone.”

She’d be here alone? In this big place? Even though she’d spent the last ten years lonely, she’d never actually been alone.

“Don’t panic, brown eyes. I don’t see that happening anytime soon. Even though we’re at an agreement with Forrest, I don’t think we should ease up on the protection just yet.”

“He’s a lowlife, slime belly.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic