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“Yeah, brown eyes. He did. But what we found out about his father is even better.”

“His father? I only met him once.” She shuddered. “He gave me bad vibes. Although I don’t know why. He was perfectly pleasant. Said he was sorry to hear about Rex. I don’t think he and Forrest got on well, though.”

“What makes you say that?”

She thought about it. “Body language. I’m good at reading people. Plus he only came to the house once.”

“Yeah, well, seems Forrest was keeping a file on dear old Dad. Filled with incriminating evidence.”

“Like what?”

“Photos of the old man meeting with some very interesting people. Like the leader of a drug cartel. And a mob boss.”

“Oh God.”

“We should be able to use that file to threaten Forrest and get him to leave you alone.”

“There was nothing about Baron and Rex on there?”

“No, I’m sorry. There’s some things on Forrest too. Spike is setting up a meeting. We’re going to get this settled.”

She wanted nothing more than to be free from Forrest. But it also didn’t sit right to let these guys get away with whatever they were doing.

“You think they’re running drugs?”

“Yeah. Looks like they could be dealing in drugs and guns and people.”

She rubbed her hand over her tummy. “Human trafficking?”

“Yeah, brown eyes

.” He reached over, pulling her onto his lap. “Don’t worry. I’m going to take care of this.”

“You shouldn’t have to deal with all my problems. What if this meeting is a trap? What if he tries to hurt you? I don’t think you should do this.”

He tilted her chin. “I’m doing this. You’re gonna be safe. This is just a fucking hurdle we got to get over.”

“This is a bit more than a hurdle.”

“Hey, you’ve got to deal with the fact that I belong to an MC, have a whole bunch of rough, grizzly biker brothers, work long hours and that I snore.”

“You don’t snore.”

“I was on my best behavior last night.”

“You forgot the fact that you’re bossy, stubborn and you like to spank.”

“There’s only one person I like spanking.” He kissed her. Hard. Fast. Then drew away with a groan. “Damn, it’s gonna be hard to keep my hands off you.”

“So don’t.”

“Betsy,” he warned.

“Fine. But just for the record, I don’t think we should wait. I think Duke’s wrong.”

“As much as I’d enjoy you telling him that, let’s just take it slow, okay?”

She sighed. “Fine. Just don’t expect me to be happy about it.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic