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Betsy shuffled around and he stopped paying attention to the room and started watching her. He could see that her nipples were hard. He wondered if she was soaking her panties.

A cry filled his ears. He turned back to the window, in time to watch the doctor release the second clamp then suck the abused nipple into his mouth as he swirled his finger around his patient’s clit.

She screamed her release, her hips arching off the table as far as she could as she came.

Ink glanced down at Betsy to find her lips were open and slightly damp, as though she’d just licked them. Her breath was coming faster.

Yeah. Definitely turned on.

“Very nice reaction times,” the doctor told his patient. “But now, let’s see how long you can resist stimulus for.”

The patient groaned. Ink reached up and removed his headphones. It was nearly time to take Betsy back to Angus, but he found himself surprisingly reluctant. Suddenly, the need to find himself a sub to play with, to ease his stress, to feel some human contact was gone.

Betsy must have noticed that he’d taken his headphones off, because she slipped hers off as well. He took them without a word and put them back onto the hook.

Where are you on the scale with medical play?”

“Oh, um. Four.”

He’d thought so.

“Come on. There are other scenes to see.”

He walked her to a dungeon scene which seemed to scare her more than anything else. Then there was the orgy room. Yeah, that one did nothing for him either. He wasn’t into sharing. They moved past a room that didn’t have a window.

She paused and looked at the door questioningly. “Is this room not being used?”

“Sir,” he reminded her.

“Sorry, Sir,” she told him.

“That’s the Littles’ room.”

“Littles’ room? What does that mean? Sir?”

He thought about what to tell her.

“It’s okay. You don’t have to explain if you don’t want to. What’s next, Sir?”

Was that a hint of hurt in her voice?

“Age play is…not everyone understands it. Littles are consenting adults. Their Dominant is usually their Daddy or Mommy. It’s almost a…a softer side of BDSM. A Little is someone who enjoys slipping into Little space. What that space is depends on the person. Some regress to babies, others are older. Then there are middles who regress to teenagers.”

“What do they do while in Little space?”

She was frowning but it seemed to be more in thought than because she was horrified.

“I can show you. But…”

“But what?”

“You need to be sure before you go in there. Even here in the club, there are people who don’t get this part of the lifestyle. I don’t want to take you in there if you’re going to judge them.”

She sucked in her breath. He waited for her to tell him that she wouldn’t do that. Or to be outraged that he thought she might. But she just nodded. “I get it. People can be judgmental and mean when it comes to something they don’t understand.”

Had she experienced that?

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic