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Sex. Pain. Ecstasy. Agony.

It surrounded him. Engulfed him. Almost made him light-headed. The scent of leather filled the air. Walking into the dungeon, he let himself adjust to the atmosphere. His shoulders still felt tight.

Stress. Unhappiness. Pain.

Too much work and not enough play made Ink grouchy as fuck.

Sighing, he stopped to watch a scene playing out in a corner. The sub was facing a St Andrews Cross, wrists and ankles secured. She had on thigh-high black leather boots, a black G-string and nothing else.

Her ass was red from the leather flogger her Dom was applying to her ass.

Ink paused and watched. Waited.

Waited to feel something. Arousal. Interest. Warmth.

Nothing. Christ. When had he grown bored with this?

Maybe because you don’t want this anymore. You’re not interested in coming to the club for quick, meaningless play.

This was all Duke’s fault. The fucker.

Sunny had practically dropped into Duke’s lap. He hadn’t even been looking for anyone, let alone someone like Sunny. She was gorgeous inside and out. Sweet. Submissive. And a Little.

While Ink wanted a relationship and couldn’t find anyone who interested him.

He was over being alone. He wanted something real. Someone of his own to fuss over, cherish, take care of.

Ink was happy for Duke, who was more than just an Iron Shadows brother. They were as close as blood brothers.

Yeah, so Ink was happy for him.

He was also fucking jealous.

“Hey, Ink.”

Turning, he saw one of the owners of the club approaching. Angus Bryson was a big brute of a guy. Tough, but still with a soft touch for the neediest of subs.

“Angus, what’s happening?”

“Got a new sub here tonight and the Dom who was supposed to be mentoring her can’t make it. Wondered if you could do it?”

That was…odd. He’d never mentored one of the new subs before. The club Doms always did that. He wasn’t here often enough to be a club Dom. Nor did he want to be. He came to Fringe when he needed that sense of control. When he wanted to feel something.

“I’ve never mentored a sub before, Angus. There’s gotta be plenty of people more suited to the job. I’m hardly the best role model.”

He didn’t stick strictly to the rules. Hell, Angus himself had threatened to kick him out of the club on more than one occasion.

“I’ve got something to do for an hour. Just fill in for me until then.”

Ink crossed his arms over his bare chest. All he wore tonight was a pair of dark jeans.

“I dunno. I just came here to scene.”

“You owe me for not kicking you out after you punched Jeffries.”

“One. That fucker deserved it. Two. I waited until after he had left the club to punch him. Three. He deserved much worse and you know it.”

Angus just shook his head. “She’s totally green. I just need someone to make sure she doesn’t get involved in anything she’s not ready for. Light play. Mostly just showing her around. You’d be doing me a huge favor, man.”

He shook his head. He wasn’t here as a damn babysitter.

“She’s kind of quiet. Just keep her out of trouble and make sure this is something she wants,” Angus pressured. “I’m worried that if I turn her away tonight, she might go somewhere else, find someone who would advantage of her.”

Ink narrowed his gaze. Fucking hell. “Christ. Fine. Just an hour.”

“Done. Deal. Thanks, man.” Angus shook his hand. The other man’s palm was sweaty.

Ink’s frown deepened.

“I’ll bring her over when she arrives. I owe you.”

He sure as hell did. Ink sighed and rolled his neck back and forth to ease the tension. He’d been sitting for too long today. He hated being behind a desk, he’d rather be out in the action. Unfortunately, being the boss came with a whole lot of paperwork.

And headaches.

He didn’t understand how they’d lost the Anderson contract last

month. And he was determined that it wouldn’t happen with the latest bid he just put in for the Weston job. His security business was something he’d built from the ground up. He was proud of what he’d accomplished. He knew they were the best. And he didn’t like to lose.

Angus headed back towards him. What the hell had he agreed to? Playing guide for a fucking tourist who probably wasn’t even a sub? She probably just had a romantic view of BDSM.

Cynical much?

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic