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Well, she was starting to wonder how the hell she was going to take another ten from his paddle of a hand then fifteen with the hairbrush but other than that, awesome.

“I’m okay.”

“You need to use your safeword?”

“No, Daddy.”

“Here’s the rest, little rebel. You’re doing well.” Those three words were what she needed to hear. Especially as his hand laid smack after smack on her already warm cheeks. The sting moved to a deeper burn, her ass throbbing as she started to sob, tears dripping down her cheeks.

When he paused this time, he rubbed her lower back instead of her bottom.

“Baby girl, I don’t ever want to hear you calling yourself an idiot or a fuckup again, understand me? None of it is true and it hurts me that you are so hard on yourself. You need to learn that it’s all right to mess up.”

“I. . .I know. I’ll try,” she sobbed.

“Good girl. Now, I know this next bit is going to be hard for you. I’m sorry I have to give you such a hard spanking. But I want you to know how important it is to me that you’re safe. If something had happened to you. . .if he’d stabbed you. . .”

She tried to turn to look at him but couldn’t manage it in her current position. He sounded almost broken.

“I promise I’ll be more careful. I didn’t think. I promise.”

“Good. Hopefully this will help remind you.”

He reached over, to grab the hairbrush. She sucked in a breath then let out a squeal as it landed with a thump.

Oh. Sugar. Sugar. Sugar.

Her breath sobbed out as another smack landed.

Shoot. Darn. Shiiiit!

Two more landed. She sobbed. Tears raced down her face as she wiggled, trying desperately to free herself of his hold. She couldn’t stand it. She couldn’t take it.

Smack! Smack! Her ass was burning. A deep, fiery pain.

Another two. She grasped hold of his leg, using him as an anchor.

Smack! Smack! Smack!

Her sobs grew louder. Her legs kicked back and forth. No. No. No.

The last smacks landed quickly and sharply as though he was trying to get them over with as quickly as possible. She could barely take in the breath to scream. When the last one landed, she let out a huge screech.

Sobs had her heaving for breath as he pulled her up. He lay on his back on the sofa, arranging her on top of him, her ass still bare. It was so hot and painful she knew she couldn’t stand to have anything touch it.

He just held her, murmuring to her quietly as he ran his hand up and down her back.

“Good girl. You’re such a good girl. Let it all out. That’s my girl. That’s it. I have you. I have you, baby girl.”

He just held her as her tears soaked his T-shirt.

“Shh. Now. You’ll make yourself sick. Shh. You’re safe. I have you.”

Her tears slowed and she sniffed then moved her head up to look around. “Tissue?”

He brushed her hair back from her face and laid a kiss on her sweaty forehead. She grimaced. Hadn’t been much point in showering before her spanking, it seemed.

He laid her back on her side then got up, leaving the room. He returned a minute later with some tissues and a wet cloth in his hand. She reached for them, but he drew them back.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic