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“You’re sure?”

She was shaken up but overall, she was fine. She nodded. “I’m sure. I’m sorry. I won’t do anything like that again.”

He held her until they both stopped trembling then he stood and laid her on the sofa. “I want you to rest.” He moved over and gestured for her to lie down.

“Duke, I’ve got to work. I’m not tired.”

He just raised an eyebrow. All right, so her adrenaline rush was fading and she was a little sleepy.

“I’ve got to make some calls about the truck and then we’re going home.” He picked up the blanket that sat on one arm of the sofa and lay it over her. Then he brushed his lips across her forehead.

“Rest, little rebel. I’ll keep you safe.”

She knew he would. She never felt as safe as she did when he was near.


It was close to ten by the time they left. She’d actually fallen asleep which had surprised her. Turns out, she’d been more tired than she’d thought. So sleepy, unfortunately, she’d forgotten to pee before they got in their borrowed truck. She didn’t know where the truck had come from or when Duke had his towed, she’d slept all through that. This truck wasn’t as big as Duke’s behemoth. It was a double cab with bench seats. As they paused at some lights, she took a moment to study him under the streetlights. His jaw was tense, his hands tight around the steering wheel. He’d been very intense since she’d been attacked and she wanted to do something to help ease his worry.

She was all right. But somehow, he didn’t seem ready to believe that.

But just as she was about to move, her bladder made itself known again.


She crossed her legs and fidgeted around. Duke turned to look at her. “Everything okay?”


Jeez this was embarrassing. Just tell him, Sunny. Not like he doesn’t pee.


“I’ve gotta pee,” she blurted out.

“Be another ten minutes until we get home, can you wait?”

“Oh, I really wish I could. But my bladder doesn’t like car rides.”

“It doesn’t like car rides,” he said slowly.

“Yeah, see, I always pee before I get in the car ‘cause otherwise I need to go and I find it really hard to hold on and. . .are you laughing at me?” she asked suspiciously, seeing his shoulders shake.

She was glad to see him smile. Even if it was at her expense. “I’m not very good at hanging on at the best of times and the motion of driving just seems to make it worse. Can we please stop somewhere?”

“Of course, we can, baby girl. I’m sorry for laughing at you.”

“It’s fine. I know it sounds ridiculous. I’m a grown woman, I should be able to hold on.”

“Hush,” he murmured. “You are who you are.” He put on his indicator and pulled into a park with a public toilet. “Let’s hope it’s open or you might have to pee in the bushes.”

Pee in the bushes? Was he insane? Her bladder was an indoor sort of bladder. She did not pee outside.

He came around as she undid her seat belt. He lifted her down and took hold of her hand. She shivered slightly even though she was wearing one of his sweatshirts that went down to her knees. He led her inside the women’s bathroom. The light came on automatically. She glanced around. Not as terrible as she’d imagined.

“Wait here,” he commanded then proceeded to check each stall.

“I don’t think anyone would be peeing in the dark,” she said dryly.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic