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“You were just trying to tell me that it’s summer,” he said dryly.

“Can I ask him if he needs a ride to a shelter?”

“Baby, I—”

“Please, Duke.” She grabbed hold of his arm pleadingly.

He leaned in, his mouth brushing her ear. “Stop arguing about your car and you can offer the old guy a ride.”

“Deal.” She grinned up at him and he shook his head.

“You won’t always get your way, little rebel.”

She turned towards Marvin, feeling pretty pleased with herself since she’d been about to give in to his demands to drive her home anyway. Duke gave her a heavy slap on the ass as she moved, making her jump with a squeal.

Marv paused and turned back. She scowled up at Duke, but resisted the urge to rub her sore bottom, not wanting Marv to know what he’d done.

“Marv! Can we give you a ride to a shelter?”

“Oh no, sweet girl, I don’t like those places. Too crowded.” Marvin gave Duke a sharp look. “You okay, Sunny?”

“Oh yes, I’m fine. Duke’s just giving me a ride home.”

“Well, you get on inside. Little thing like you shouldn’t be out in the dark and cold, thought I saw you before running around on your own but I know that wouldn’t be right, now would it?”

She blushed at his scolding. “I won’t do that again. Promise. Duke already told me off.”

Marvin grunted. “Good. You find a good woman like yourself, Sunny, you don’t let anything happen to them. You guard them like a treasure, isn’t that right, biker?”

“It is,” Duke growled back.

Marvin shuffled away as Duke led her to his truck. He walked her around to the passenger side, opening the door and lifting her in. He even fastened her seat belt. She flushed as his arm brushed against her nipples, having to bite back a gasp of pleasure.

Holy hell.

* * *

Duke pulled up outside his house and turned off his truck. The inside cab light came on as he undid his seat belt. He turned towards her, taking hold of her chin.

“Much as I want you to spend the night in my bed, I know it’s too early for that.”

She let out a small noise. “Yeah, I think so.”

“How do you usually spend your Saturday mornings?”

“Ah, well, I. . .” she stuttered over her words, clearly embarrassed about something. He remembered her telling him how she liked to watch cartoons.

“You watch cartoons, right?”

“Yeah. Well, I used to. Like I said, my Little hasn’t been around lately.”

“We’ll see what we can do to change that. Maybe she just misses having a Daddy.”

“Maybe,” she said quietly. “I um well. . .I. . .”

“Babe, spit it out,” he said with amusement.

“Sorry. When we’re. . .when I’m Little can I call you that?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic