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“Thank fuck, can’t stand that weasel, Rory,” Ink stated.

“His friend was worse.” Razor looked ill. “The fucking sick shit that came out of his mouth, especially about women. He’s fucking lucky I didn’t take a blade to his tongue.”

There was a reason Razor had earned his nickname.

Reyes stood up and they all knew that meant the meeting was over. Ink stood with a grin.

“Sorry to drag you away from that sweet thing out front,” he said slyly to Duke. “But if you’re not interested, guess you won’t mind me asking her out.”

“You’ll stay the fuck away from her!” Duke snapped, enraged at the idea of Ink hitting on Sunny.

Ink grinned. And Duke knew he’d given the other man the reaction he’d been looking for.

Razor walked past him and tapped his shoulder. “Give it up, man. We all know you want her. It’s only a matter of time until you give in.”

Duke sighed. Wonderful. Now he got to spend the night listening to Ink gloat. He’d rather be fucking tortured.


“Sunny, go get me some dinner from the sub shop from up the road,” Rory demanded, walking into reception. She sighed. Less than two hours to go until closing. She could last that long without killing him, right?

It might just take a miracle.

“Your next client isn’t due for half an hour.”

“So? You’re just sitting there on your fat ass doing nothing. Get up and get me some food. I’ve got other things to do.”

She had to hold back a wince at the fat ass dig. It was too close to what Greg used to say to her. Although even he hadn’t used that nasty tone of voice.

Things to do? Right, like sneak out the back and smoke a joint. Yeah, she knew exactly what sort of important things Rory had to do. He only snuck in a joint when Duke wasn’t around. Unfortunately, Madden was in with a client.

“It’s dark out.”

“So what? Are you scared of the dark?” he mocked. “Go get me a meatball sub and hurry the fuck up.”

She clenched her hands into fists and stood up. “I’m not your slave.”

“After what you did today, you fucking well are,” he snarled.

“What are you talking about? I didn’t do anything to you!”

“You couldn’t even open the shop without fucking it up! Just like everything else you fucking do around here. You’re a mess. You’re hopeless. You can’t even get a simple stock order right. Duke’s only keeping you around because he feels sorry for you. And now, because of your fucking incompetence I’ve gotten a verbal warning and lost my chance to join the Iron Shadows. Getting me a sub is the least you can damn well do for me.”

She was pretty sure she wasn’t the cause of either of those things. But the look on his face, one of hate and fury, was starting to scare her. Suddenly, going to get him a sub didn’t sound like the worst idea in the world. It wasn’t like Duke was going to find out, he had disappeared a while ago. And the sub shop was only a block away. Wasn’t much that could happen.

“I’ll need some cash.”

He scowled but reached into his pocket and pulled out ten dollars. She snatched it up and stormed out, without bothering to grab her jacket or phone. Something she regretted as soon as she was out the door. But she just hugged herself as she strode around the corner to the sub shop.

She’d dealt with her fair share of jerks over the years. But Rory was next level. He actually scared her.

You need to tell Duke.

Right, and just add to the hundred and one reasons why he should regret hiring her? No, thank you. She’d just have to avoid Rory as much as she could.

Yeah, that was a solid plan.

Fifteen minutes later, with the sub in hand, she hurried into the shop. She had the distinct feeling of being watched and it creeped her out enough that she’d very nearly broken into a run.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic