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“I’ve had breakfast,” she lied.

“Uh-huh, what did you have? An egg white omelet with some soy cheese?”

“There is nothing wrong with eating healthy! Better than eating pork rinds and. . .and Cheezits!”

Really? That’s the best comeback you had?

“Weird combination, babe. But I’ll try anything once. So, what did you have for breakfast?”

“Nothing, all right,” she groaned. “I’m so crappy at lying.”

“You shouldn’t try to lie. At least not to me. That will just get you in trouble.”

“Please don’t,” she whispered.

“Don’t what?”

“Don’t pretend something you don’t feel. I know I made a complete idiot of myself last night. I showed you a part of me that I’ve only ever shown one other person. And I still don’t know why! I don’t even know you.”

“No,” he agreed slowly. “But maybe you saw something in me that I didn’t even know was there.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m not a Daddy Dom.”

She froze. This seemed kind of cruel. It wasn’t as though she thoug

ht he was.

Didn’t you? Then why did you open up to him like you did?

She hadn’t meant to. It had been almost beyond her control. She’d lost her job. It happened to people all the time. However, that combined with little food or water to drink all day and she’d kind of just dropped all her walls.

She’d never shown Greg her Little. Yet she barely knew Duke and her Little appeared easily.

Was he right? Had she sensed something in him?

“While I like being in control in the bedroom, I’ve never done any age play stuff. Never imagined it was something I would enjoy, being a Daddy.”

“I’m. . .I’m really sorry I forced you to take care of me.”

He barked out a laugh. “Babe, you’re what? Five-foot-four and a hundred pounds?”

A hundred and twenty-five but it was nice he thought that. And why was he talking about her appearance? Did he not find her attractive either?

How much rejection could one person take before they broke?

“You’re tiny. You can’t force me to do anything. I didn’t have to take care of you last night. I wanted to.”

I wanted to.

I wanted to.

“You did?” she whispered.

“Even fucking rang a friend to find out how best to handle you. Not like I have much experience.” He ran his hand through his hair. “Will you come out now?”

“I’d still rather wait until I’m invisible,” she murmured.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic