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“You take such good care of me, Daddy.”

He kissed her gently. “And I always will.”


“What are we doing here?” Sunny asked as Duke pulled up in front of the trailer that served as Ronny’s office. All of the vehicles were gone from the yard, everyone was away on jobs for the day. That meant Ronny was likely alone and half-way through his morning porn show.

She shuddered at the thought.

“We’re here to get your last paycheck.”

She bit her lip. “I thought you didn’t want me doing this?”

He turned to look at her. It was Tuesday and they were headed to work. They’d left earlier than usual because he’d told her he had an errand to run first. Little had she known that errand was talking to Ronny. Urgh, while she’d talked a good talk about confronting him, she wasn’t sure she was prepared for this.

“I don’t. I’ll gladly do this for you. But I don’t want to take this moment from you if you want to do it. This is your chance to tell him what a slime ball he was. But you keep the door open. He does any fucking thing you don’t like then you yell out. I’m also only giving you five minutes before I come in after you. Understood?”

She looked from him to the trailer. She remembered the feel of Ronny grabbing her in the bar that night, of him firing her even though she’d been his best worker.

She nodded. “I’ll do this. But if he’s watching porn in there, I may need you to bleach my eyes.”

“If he’s watching porn, I’ll fucking kill him.” He climbed out of the truck then helped her down, leading her towards the trailer. He opened the door without knocking.

She couldn’t hear any sounds of moaning or slapping so she guessed she was safe. Duke poked his head in. “He’s not in there.”

They heard the flush of a toilet and she grimaced.

“I can still go in with you,” Duke offered.

She patted his chest. “I got this.” She kissed his jaw and stepped inside, leaving the door open so he could still protect her while giving her this moment. She glanced around, grimacing at the smell of sweat and other bodily odors she really didn’t want to think about.

Without thinking about it too hard, she pulled her phone out of her pocket and set it on record. She half tucked it into her back pocket just as Ronny stepped out, still zipping up his pants. He froze as he saw her.

“What are you doing here? Come to beg for your old job back? Not happening.” A calculating look crossed his face. “Not unless you’re willing to do a little something for me, that is.”

“Oh yeah, what’s that?” she asked.

“Suck the sausage and I might reconsider giving you your job back,” he said slyly.

“Yeah? Isn’t that what caused you to fire me in the first place? Because I didn’t want you touching me?”

“All you had to do was give me a blowie,” he whined as though she’d wronged him. “Then you could have kept your miserable job. You were fucking lucky to have it in the first place. My old man must have been going nuts to hire a fucking woman to do a man’s job.”

“So, I lost my job because I wouldn’t suck your cock and because I’m a woman. You’re a real class act, Ronny. Just for the record, there’s no way I’d ever touch your disgusting dick.”

She shuddered. Just the thought made her nauseous.

“What the fuck you doing here then?” Ronny demanded. “I got things to do.”

“Sorry if I’m cutting into your porn time,” she said dryly. “I’ve come to get my last paycheck. The one you were meant to deposit into my account.”

“I don’t owe you any more money.”

“You do and you know it.”

He sneered at her. “Well, you aren’t seeing a dime of it. Now get the fuck out.”

“You’re not giving me what’s owed to me?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic