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“Sunny, it’s fine,” he said firmly with a frown. “I’m more worried about you. You feeling well? You look pale.”

He came closer and placed the back of his hand on her forehead. She had to resist the urge to lean into him and close her eyes.

“I’m fine. Nothing another cup of coffee won’t fix.” She forced a bright smile on her face. He didn’t look fooled. He watched as she reached out a shaky hand for the cup.

He plucked it from her hand before she could take a sip. “Just how many coffees have you had today?”

“I don’t know. Seven? Eight?”

“Okay, little rebel. You can consider yourself cut off.”

What? They were open for another two hours! She wouldn’t get by without coffee.

“Hey, you can’t do that!” she protested, getting to her feet as he poured the coffee down the sink.

“Just did.”

“Duke!” She scowled up at him.

“Babe, you’re shaking because you’re on caffeine overload. You’re pale as hell and you’ve got dark smudges under your eyes. You’ve barely eaten today so I’m guessing your tummy doesn’t feel great, huh?”

“I’m fine.” She reached around to grab for the coffee pot once more.

He gave her a sharp smack on the ass. She gasped and looked around. “Duke!”

Grasping hold of her hand, he led her towards his office.

“What are you doing? I need to get back out front. I have work to do.”

“Today is quiet. All our clients are regulars. We can handle any walk-ins.” He led her into the office and shut the door behind him.

He pointed at the sofa. “Sit down. I’m going to go get you some water and something to eat. Then you’re going to take a nap.”

“I’m working.”

He rested his hand on her hips. “And I’m the boss.”

“You can’t pay me to sleep!”

“I can do what I like, baby girl. And frankly, I’m far more worried about your health than what it is I’m paying you to do. So either you get something healthy in your belly and have a sleep or I’m going to reschedule my next client then take you home and put you to bed for the rest of the day.”

He’d do it too. She could see the determination on his face. She huffed out a breath. “Okay, fine.”

“Seems someone gets a bit grouchy when she doesn’t get enough sleep, huh?” He turned and left before she could snap back at him.

With a groan, she sat. Who was she kidding? He was right. She needed plenty of sleep, it was just the way she was. And her head was thumping, her tummy bubbling with nausea which was a combination of fatigue, caffeine-overload and lack of food.

“I’m sorry,” she said as soon as he came back.

He gave her a surprised look. “For what, baby girl?”

“You’re just trying to take care of me and I’m being ungrateful and grouchy.”

He sat next to her on the sofa and handed her a bottle of water and an egg salad sandwich he must have popped next door to get.

She attempted to unwrap the sandwich, her hands fumbling. He grabbed it from her and took off the wrapping but instead of handing it back to her, he held it up to her mouth.

“It’s okay, baby girl,” he told her. “I can tell you’re not feeling so great. You’re tired and out of sorts.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic