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“I think he was in charge. I don’t know. I only remember him. Until she came in.”


“The child services lady. She . . . she was amazing. She raced in the door, heard him screaming at me and she just ripped into him. She tore him to pieces. Told him all the things she was going to do to him. I can’t really remember now what she said, but I knew that even in my terrified state, she was on my side. Then he stepped towards her. I thought for sure he was going to hit her. I remember this next part. She said, ‘Do it, I’m not a helpless child. Hit me and I’ll have the proof I need to take you down and make you suffer’.”

“Jesus fucking Christ.”

“I don’t know if she was happy or sad that he didn’t hurt her. But he turned and left and she rushed over to me. She didn’t touch me. Just crouched down in front of me and started talking to me. She was my hero.”

“It sounds like she was. What happened after that? Did you go into child protective services?”

“The social worker, her name was Violet, she asked me if I had any family. I wasn’t thinking clearly. I gave her the name of our last housekeeper. Rosalind had fired her a month before. Nobody lasted long working for Rosalind. She usually found some fault with them and fired them or they qui

t. Violet must have known Ana wasn’t family, but somehow I was allowed to live with Ana and her family for a week.”

She rubbed at her forehead. “It was one of the best weeks of my life. Ana had four sons but no daughter. They treated me like I was family. Ana had only been with us for a year. My aunt treated her like trash, yet she took me in and took care of me. I was devastated when I had to leave. I cried the whole way home in the car.”

“What happened with your aunt?”

“I’m not sure. But whatever they’d arrested her for, they obviously couldn’t make it stick. We moved soon after to a new city. My aunt found another rich old man to marry. I never saw Ana again.”

“I’m so sorry, Marisol. Do you happen to remember the name of the cop that scared you?”

“No,” she said quietly.

“Where did this happen?”

“Why?” she asked suspiciously.

“Because I want to make sure this bastard isn’t still out there terrorizing kids,” he said in a cold, grim voice. Ed pulled up around the back of the police department and parked. There were a couple of other police cars back here.

She sucked in a breath. “I never thought of that. Oh no, all this time he could have been hurting other children that had no one to protect them.”

“Hey, listen to me,” he told her insistently. “Look at me.”

She turned her gaze to him. The security lights out here made it possible to see the serious look on his handsome face. She wondered how old he was? He had to be in his early forties. A lot older than her. Not that she was interested in him like that.

An image of Linc’s handsome face danced through her mind. She wished he was here right now.

“That isn’t your worry. Whatever he has done, it’s on him. Not you.”

“If I’d just told . . .”

“No. Still not on you. You were a child. I don’t want you worrying about this anymore. Understand? I’m sure his colleagues knew what he was like. And they were adults. You were a terrified kid. You’re not taking this guilt on, Marisol.”

She wondered if Ed was a Dom or if he was just simply an alpha guy. Either way, she felt his words move through her. She made an effort to let go of the guilt. It wouldn’t be that simple, of course. But he was right. She was just a kid.

“Where were you when this happened, Marisol?”

“In Tucson,” she murmured. “It was nearly thirteen years ago.”

“Good girl,” he praised. “Come on, let’s get you inside. It’s too cold to be sitting out here. I’ll make you that hot chocolate.”

She grabbed her backpack, her hands shaking as she reached for her seatbelt. He was at her door before she’d even noticed him leaving the car. He let her get out herself and she appreciated it. Even though she felt more comfortable with him, she wasn’t prepared for touching him any more than was necessary.

Ed led the way to the back door, inputting a code into the pad and then opened it for her, stepping back.

She waited then followed him down a corridor, past a few doors until they ended up in the open front area. It was quiet. There were some lights on, and a woman was puttering around, watering indoor plants. She had a sucker in her mouth.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic