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He pressed his hard cock against her, grinding himself as he choked her. Finally, when dark spots danced in front of her eyes, he eased his hold around her neck.

She took in gulping breaths, her entire body shaking. She didn’t think he was going to stop.

“Do you need a demonstration of my ability to control you, Marisol?”

Oh God. Oh God. Where was everyone? Why was no one walking past? Not that they’d probably help her. No, in all likelihood, they’d spur Tiger on.

Get on your knees, babe. It’s time to suck my cock. It’s time to show you who is really in charge.”

Tears leaked out of her eyes and she cried out again as he started to tug at his jeans. This wasn’t happening. It couldn’t be happening.

No one is coming to your rescue. Fight, Marisol! Fight!

By now he had his jeans and boxers down over his hips, his disgusting cock was bared, the tip gleaming with pre-cum. She was going to vomit.

He took a step back, loosening his hold on her hands. This was it. Her chance. Pulling her leg back, she drew it up, bending her knee as she slammed it into his dick. Hard.

For a moment she thought it hadn’t done anything. Then he let out a noise like a pig squealing. He let go of her, both hands reaching down to cup his balls. Marisol didn’t think. She ran. But instead of heading out the door, like she should have, she raced up the stairs.

She couldn’t leave Princess Nana and snuggly behind. Racing into her bedroom, she locked the door behind her. Her hands shook so hard, that it took her longer than it should have.

Focus Marisol.

She flew to her closet and pulled out snuggly, Princess Nana and her trinket box with her savings, stuffing them into a bag. Out. She needed to get out of here.

There was a rattling at the door and she froze.

Oh no. Oh no.

“Marisol! Open this fucking door!” Tiger roared.


She stared at the door. That was all that stood between her and her nightmare.

“I’m going to fucking kill you!” He banged against the door. It wasn’t going to take much more before he got through the door.

Out. Get out.

A sob broke free. What to do? She looked over to the double doors. There was a small balcony out there. She was still up on the second floor, but maybe she could climb over the railing and drop.

Damn it.

“Marisol! Let. Me. The. Fuck. In. Fucking cunt!”

She had to go.

She opened the door and climbed out onto the balcony, shivering in the cold. Her heart raced. Fear flooded her. She needed to calm herself. Closing the door, she moved to the railing and looked over. She was at the back of the house, but there didn’t seem to be anyone out here who would see her climb over. She stuffed her handbag into her backpack then put it over her shoulders. Putting her leg over, she held onto the balustrade then moved one hand down to a bottom rung then the other and let herself drop.

Her arms burned as she dangled in the air. Oh God. What was the best way to fall?

She had no idea. So she just let herself drop before she could overthink it.

To her shock, she managed to land on her feet. Then she stumbled backwards a few steps, falling onto her ass. Graceful as always.

Getting up hastily, her legs shaking beneath her, she raced away from the house. She didn’t know how long she had until Tiger broke into her room. But after discovering she wasn’t hidden anywhere inside, he’d likely figure out that she’d gone over the balcony.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic