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With a yawn, Marisol turned down her driveway.

It was her late night at the spa, so she’d driven to work. Even her aunt didn’t insist that she walk home in the dark and cold.

She was so tired that she nearly crashed into a car parked to the side of the driveway.

“Mierda!” She straightened the car, pulling it over into the middle of the driveway. “Shit. Shit. Shit.”

There were several cars and motorbikes parked along the drive. Her aunt was having a party. Why hadn’t she told her? Normally, she’d let Marisol know so she could either hide in her bedroom or make herself scarce. Her aunt didn’t like her appearing at her parties.

Which suited Marisol just fine.

Now she’d have to find somewhere to spend the night.

Marisol’s stomach tightened. What should she do? Usually, she’d sleep in the car or go to a late-night café. It was cold here at night and she didn’t have a blanket or warmer clothing if she was going to sleep in the car. She tapped her fingers against the steering wheel as she thought.

Maybe you should ask Linc if you could stay with him?

She blushed at the thought. What would he say if she were to ask? Would he say yes?

What if he said no?

He’d told her that he liked her. That still made her smile. Until she remembered that she couldn’t have anything with him. That she had to leave.

This is why she shouldn’t let herself get close in the first place. She knew this already. Never get attached. People always left. Rosalind always moved them on to somewhere else. Only this time, she’d be moving on alone.

God, she was so scared.

Stop being a coward, Marisol.

She probably should have left already, but she wasn’t ready to say goodbye to those evening calls, when he’d put her to bed. The funny texts he’d send her in the day. She’d just wanted to feel like she was special, like she was loved.

Silly, Marisol. He doesn’t love you.

He was so sweet, though. One of the most caring men she’d ever met. The way he’d fussed over a simple bee sting, texting her to check on her that night. Wanting her to take the next day off and rest. She had reassured him that her foot was back to normal the next day. Which was sort of true. But he’d never know that she’d stretched the truth.

It hadn’t taken long for the swelling to go down and the redness to fade and there was no way Rosalind would ever let her take the day off work because of a bee sting.

Hell, she’d have to be in hospital or half-dead for that to happen.

She couldn’t call Linc. Telling him what was going on would just put him in danger.

She didn’t know who was at the party. She sent up a prayer that it wasn’t Saber and his guys. However, she didn’t like her chances.

She needed to get her stuff. Her stash of money. Her extra insulin. Snuggly and Princess Nana. Which meant that she was going to have to sneak in.

Just get in, grab some stuff, then get out.


After climbing out of the car, she slipped around into the garage. Carefully, she opened the door leading from the mud room into the kitchen. Nobody was in here. Okay. She took the opportunity to grab her extra insulin out of the fridge, stashing it in her handbag. There was music blasting through the house. As she stepped into the hallway, cigarette smoke assaulted her nose. She coughed a bit.

Great. How long had these people been here?

A loud scream made her jump in fright. Two men burst their way out of the living room. One punched the other in the face. His head flicked back, blood spurting from his nose.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

Her breath came in hard pants. One had long, straggly hair, the other’s head was shaved nearly bald. They rolled around on the floor, fists flying, grunting and screaming.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic