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“And risk her tripping over it and injuring herself? Like you’d do that.”

Archer was right. Doc had been almost fanatic in keeping the cabin clutter free. Or Caley-clutter free since these two were ultra-tidy. At first, she thought it was his OCD at work, until she’d tripped over a chair which had been left pulled out of the table. From the way he’d reacted, you’d have thought she’d chopped her foot off.

It had been over-the-top, but definitely sweet.

Archer set the basket down next to her. She looked down, shuffling through for a notebook and a pen. There was a whole lot of stuff in here. More notebooks. A scarf. A sweater. Even a pair of bumblebee slippers.

“I wondered where these went,” she said, pulling them out and putting them on her feet. Then she looked over at Archer and Doc.

But they didn’t give her a funny look. Archer just winked at her. They weren’t exactly sexy or sophisticated. She bet none of the women Archer had slept with would have been caught dead in these slippers.

She ducked her head, opening her notebook to hide her thoughts. Then her mind turned to the basket again. “Why is a whole lot of my stuff in this basket?”

“It’s everything you leave around the cabin during the day,” Archer told her, picking his cards back up.

It was? She looked down at the basket. She’d left all that lying around just today? Yikes.

“Although I found the slippers in the spare bedroom,” Isaac added. “Don’t know when or how they got there.”

“I’m so sorry. You guys don’t have to pick up after me.”

“Oh, I’m working on a plan to help you pick up after yourself.” Isaac winked at her.

Uh-oh. She wasn’t sure about the sound of that.

She started writing down her ideas in her notebook to hide her thoughts about his plan. She drowned out their voices as she wrote everything out. There, that was perfect. It filled in her plot hole. She sat back with a smile. She wondered if she should go write it out now.

She glanced over at her office door.

“You’re finished for the day, girl,” Doc told her.

“But it would be better to get this written down now.”

He eyed her for a moment. “How long?”

“An hour? Maybe two?”

He glanced over at the clock. “You can work until eleven. But that means you sleep in tomorrow. No getting out of bed before ten.”

Drat. She wanted to argue, but at the same time she knew how stubborn he was.

“All right. Deal.”

“Come give me a kiss before you get to work.”

She glanced over at Archer, feeling herself blush, which was ridiculous.

She walked around the table and leaned down to kiss his cheek. But oh no, he wasn’t going to let her get away with that. He drew her onto his lap, leaning her back slightly so he could ravage her.

When he drew away, he winked down at her. “Consider that inspiration.”

She groaned at his smug look. Inspiration? More like distraction now that her clit was throbbing, and her lips were swollen.

As she walked into her office, she couldn’t help but wonder what Archer kissed like. Would he be firm and demanding? Or soft and gentle?

Urgh, Caley, you have got to stop this.

* * *

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic