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Doc sighed. “You’re lucky he’s such a softie, girl.”

Yeah. She was.

“I’ve got some work to do. Can I trust the two of you not to be at each other’s throats for a while?” She gave them both a pointed look as she stood.

* * *

Archer watched his brother pull Caley down onto his lap. His face was stern but there was a twinkle in his eyes that he hadn’t seen in years. He whispered something in her ear, making her go red and glance over at Archer.

Then he lifted her off his lap and turned her towards the office, giving her a slap on the ass. “I’ll come get you when it’s five.”


Doc gave her a pointed look. “You’re finishing at five.”

“I have deadlines.”

“You’ve also got dark smudges under your eyes and you look a bit pale for my liking. What do you think, Archer?”

Oh no.

He should tell his brother to keep him out of this. It wasn’t his business. But he did care about Caley. More than he should. Definitely more than he wanted to.

He was attracted to her. When he’d heard her crying out earlier, he’d had to fight the urge to join them. To insist on having his share of her ass. To give her a cuddle afterwards and hold her while she recovered.

Aftercare was pretty much his favorite fucking thing in the world.

It killed him that he wasn’t included.

But there was no way he was going to get between his brother and his sub. Never again. Even though he’d never wanted Evelyn, never encouraged her, if he wanted any hope of a relationship with his brother then he had to keep away from Caley.

However, he couldn’t hold back his opinion.

“You do look tired, love. An earlier night wouldn’t hurt. How much would you really get done if you’re tired?”

For a moment she looked like she might fight him. But then her shoulders slumped, and she nodded.

Archer cleared his throat then gave Caley a small smile. “I’ll have your drink ready for when you finish.”

“Oh, right. Yeah. I guess I can get enough work done by then.”

“That would be wonderful. Tell me, Caley, do you play poker?”

“Um, no, I’ve never tried.”

“Well, we could try to teach you, couldn’t we, Issy?”

“Strip poker?” Heat entered Issy’s face as he stared over at Caley who blushed.

Strip poker? Was his brother trying to torture him?

“Or maybe we could play for small change,” he suggested.

Isaac turned her with a soft push on her back. “Work, baby.”

When she shut the door to the office, Isaac turned to him. “We shouldn’t have been fighting in front of her.”


Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic