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“But she wouldn’t always be Little?”

“No, but even when she wasn’t, I’d still be the boss. She’d have more freedom to wear what she wanted. To do what she wanted. But if she left the house, I’d want to know where she was going, how she was getting there, when she’d be coming back. If she was going to be later than expected, I’d need a call to tell me that. I’d require her to be careful with her safety even when I wasn’t around to watch over her. There would be no speeding, no texting while driving. No walking around at night alone. And if I couldn’t trust her to take care of herself then I’d need to be with her.”


It was more than what Dave had required of her.

And yet, didn’t you always wish for more? Want him to take things a step further?

“What if she disobeyed you? What if she stayed out late and didn’t call you?”

“First, it would be completely disrespectful, since I would be worrying. I would never do that to her. Second, it would put her at risk since I wouldn’t know where she was and if something went wrong, I couldn’t be there to help her. So she’d earn herself a harsh punishment.”

“Like what?” she whispered.

“Likely the belt or a paddle.”


“Oh?” He raised an eyebrow in amusement. “You ever been spanked with a paddle or belt?”

“No, Dave only ever used his hand on me. He didn’t spank me very often. I was a good girl.”

“I’m sure you were. But I also think you have a tendency to overlook self-care. That would end up in you going over my knee. What about when you were Little? Did he spank you when you misbehaved?”

“Sometimes. Mostly I got time-out.”

“Hmm, I usually use time-out before a spanking. To help get a Little into the right frame of mind. Now, you have a choice, girl. You can either say your safeword or you can do what I asked and lie down.”


“All right, commanded.”

She took a deep breath and thought about it for a moment. She had agreed to let him take control. In fact, she’d wanted it. She desperately needed sleep. Her head ached. Her heart hurt. She just wanted some blessed oblivion for a while.

Not being in charge will give you that. If you’re not in control, you don’t have to worry or stress.

Before she talked herself out of it, she lay down. He immediately pulled her against him, resting her face on his chest.

“Comfy?” he asked, wrapping a big arm around her.

Comfy? Hell, no, she wasn’t comfy. She was pressed up against one of the hottest men she’d ever seen in her life. His skin was warm and smooth beneath her cheek. She could hear his heart beating. He had a light smattering of chest hair. It was sexy as hell.

“Easy, girl,” he said in that rough voice of his. “Ain’t nothing going to happen. I’m just going to hold you. All I’m doing tonight is taking care of you. I ain’t gonna touch you, no matter how much you beg me. So don’t go doing that, cause it’s just sad.”

She snorted out a laugh. Okay, the last thing she’d expected to be doing tonight, was lying curled up against Isaac Miller, with a smile on her lips.

He was so fucking crazy.

“I just want you to sleep, girl. Just empty your mind and sleep. Ain’t nothing or no one that can hurt you while you’re in my arms. So you just listen to the wind, to the rain and know that you’re safe from it all. Safe in my arms.”

She took in a shuddering breath, then let it out slowly.

He ran his hand slowly up and down her back. “Deep breath in. Slowly out. Here, put your feet between my legs. Jesus, they’re freezing. The rest of you warm enough?”

Her eyes were drifting shut. Warm? She didn’t think she’d been so warm. Normally, she had to layer up for bed. Just her pajamas weren’t enough. She needed a sweater and socks, sometimes Dave’s robe.

No, don’t think about Dave right now. If she did, she might not be able to sleep.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic