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Fuck. No way could she resist that voice. It had been so long since anyone had topped her. She hadn’t been certain how she would react. Maybe she wouldn’t have liked it from anyone else. Perhaps she might have been able to resist. But something about Isaac spoke to her. Lord knows why, since he seemed to be an asshole. But it did. He intrigued her.

He and Archer both.

Ménages don’t happen in real life, Caley Jane. And you don’t want one daddy, let alone two.

And she didn’t think Archer was a Daddy Dom, anyway. She stared into Isaac’s piercing blue eyes. He was a gorgeous man. His skin tanned. His hair dark-blonde. That trimmed beard giving him a sexy look she liked.

“Good girl. Need you to calm down and tell me what’s wrong.”

She shook her head.

His face tightened. A storm brewed in his eyes.

“Caley, tell me what is wrong. What just happened? Why did you panic?”

She shook her head again.

“We can sit here all day, baby doll. I ain’t got nothing to do. Ain’t got no place to go. Got nothing to focus on but you. We’re just going to sit here until you tell me what’s wrong.”

Crap. He’d do it too. He was just that stubborn.

“I told you.”

He frowned. “Told me what?”

“That I…that I…”

“That you’re a Little? Baby, why has that got you so panicked? I told you I’m a Daddy Dom.”

Yeah. That’s right. He had. She was making an idiot of herself.


He rubbed his thumbs over the backs of her hands. “You wanna tell me why you reacted the way you did?”


He lowered his voice. “Girl, tell me why you just reacted the way you did.”

She wrinkled her nose at the clear command. Then she sighed. “I’ve just had people react badly before when they found out. I wasn’t really thinking clearly. I mean, you obviously weren’t going to tell me that I’m a freak and unnatural.”

“People said that to you?” Anger filled his face.

She nodded hesitantly. “I didn’t really think you’d say that to me,” she said quickly, hoping that he wasn’t offended by her reaction. “I mean, it sounds like you had something similar happen with your parents.”

“Yeah, but I can fucking take it. You’re just a tiny thing. Your Dom should have protected you from that.”

She snatched her hands back from his, coldness filling her. She could take insults he flung her way. Maybe. Probably not. But it wasn’t her that he was insulting. It was Dave.

And she’d never stand for that.

“He did protect me. But it’s hard to protect one person against a whole town.”

His eyes widened. Shit. She hadn’t actually meant to say that.

“A whole town?”

“I don’t want to talk about that. I don’t want to talk about anything right now. But you didn’t know Dave. You don’t know how he took care of me. But he did. He was the best man, Dom, Daddy I could ever have hoped for. And nobody will ever take his place. I think you should leave me alone now.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic