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“I can’t,” she whispered.

“What do you call me?”

“Sir.” She looked to Issy.

He shook his head. “I’ll accept the usual. Doc, Issy or Daddy.”

She gave him a small smile. Something shared between the two of them. Archer waited for a surge of jealousy; it wasn’t there. He knew that didn’t mean he might not feel jealous at times. But he would work that out himself. Or with Issy. She wouldn’t be brought into it.

They would protect her at all costs.

“I can’t, Sir.”

“Why not?”

“Because I don’t have any panties on.” The words were said in a hushed voice, her eyes wide.

He made certain to hide his smile. “As I would expect. If you were wearing panties, it would be a count of ten immediately.”

Her mouth dropped open. “Oh. Really?”

“Really, Sir.”

“Really, Sir?”

He gave a sharp nod. “Now spread your legs.”

She looked to Issy but whatever she saw on his face must have reassured her because she pushed her legs apart. It was clear how comfortable she was with his brother. It didn’t matter, he’d get her to that level with him as well. Where she obeyed his commands without hesitation.

He had to remind himself to go carefully. She was still a newbie in so many ways.

She spread her legs and the negligee moved up her thighs, exposing her bare pussy.


“Words are required tonight, Caley,” Archer told her. “A nod of your head isn’t an acceptable answer, understand? Because one of us may be doing something and miss it.”

“I understand, Sir.”

Archer looked to Issy “Does her pussy taste as sweet as it looks?”

“Sweeter. That’s how we’ve been helping with her insomnia,” Issy told him.

“She’s still having trouble sleeping?” He didn’t like the sound of that.

“It was getting better, until the fire. We have a bedtime routine. Bath, bottle and massage. Then if she wakes up in the night, she’s not allowed to get up without waking me. Normally another orgasm or two will get her nicely off to sleep again. Sometimes another bottle.”

Archer nodded, noting the way she gaped at Issy. “You’ll have to get used to this, love. We’re going to have to discuss your care constantly to make certain we’re on the same page.”

She swallowed. “Oh, dear Lord.”

“For tonight, you may speak whenever you like, as long as you remember to be respectful. I want you to ask questions if you need to. If you need to slow things down, you can say yellow. If you need things to stop, red or bananas. We are going to act out a scene. You ready for that?”

“I’m a patient? Sir?”

“Yes. Issy is the doctor and I am your husband.”

Her mouth dropped open slightly and he worried for a moment that she wouldn’t react well to that. “Yes, Sir.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic