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“Yeah, and you might hate it there,” he grumbled.

She shook her head. “I really don’t think I will. As long as I have you, my music and a coffee machine, I’ll be happy.”

“Nobody will ever hide you away again. No one will ever treat you like you’re less.”

She leaned into him, letting him surround her with his safety and heat. “Larry is gonna be so pissed.”

She looked up to see Bain grinning. It was a dark, wicked grin. “That’s a bonus.”

She giggled.

“I’ve got a better way of shutting off your brain than exhausting yourself.”

She stared up at him curiously.

“Little Ari doesn’t have to worry or stress or think about anything. Do anything. Well, other than obey Daddy. You’re owed a punishment for pushing yourself so hard. That was a rule, wasn’t it?”

“Yes, I’m sorry.”

“If you’re ever feeling anxious or worried or scared, come to me, Ari. You have me now. I’m always in your corner. I’ll always fight for you. Got me? No more hurting yourself to cope.”

She bit her lip. “I don’t hurt myself.”

He raised an eyebrow. “I’ve seen the marks you put on yourself. Pushing yourself into exhaustion is hurting yourself. You could fall off the treadmill and hit your head. You could injure yourself. You could become so exhausted that you faint. That’s all stopping, Arianna. Which is why you’re getting punished for breaking that rule.”

She nodded.

“I think we’ll take care of that right now.”

“Now?” she squeaked.

“Yes. Now.” He set her down then stood and held his hand down to her.

She took hold and let him help her up. He walked over to the door and locked it.

She licked her lips nervously. “Maybe we should go somewhere more private.”

“Nobody can walk in. I think it’s fitting your punishment should be here.” He pointed at a weight bench behind her. “Pull down your pants and panties. Spread your legs as far as you can and then bend over and place your hands on the bench.”

She licked her dry lips as he walked around the room, looking as though he was searching for something. When he picked up a wide-cut, rubber resistance band she blanched. He wouldn’t.

He grabbed hold of both ends in one hand, so it was doubled over and whacked it against the palm of his hand.

“Not as much sting as a paddle but it will do nicely.”

“Can’t you just use your hand?”

“Not this time. Unless you’re saying your safe word, get into place.”

His voice was stern. Hard. And she knew then exactly how upset he was with her.

“I’m sorry I broke the rule about not pushing myself too much when running.”

“I’m sorry too. B

ut you know why I have to punish you, right?”

“I guess.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic