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“I’m sore! That was horrible!”

She tried to push herself off his lap. But he kept a heavy hand on the small of her back, keeping her in place. “Stay there, angel.”

“But. . .but. . .isn’t that the end?”

“No, afraid not. Just paused to check in on you since this is your first spanking. This is in no way the end. If it’s too much for you in one go, we can finish up tonight before bed.”

Wait for the rest? That sounded even worse than taking it all once.

“I don’t want any more!”

“Of course, you don’t,” he soothed. “This is punishment. It shouldn’t be easy.”

It certainly wasn’t that. He rubbed her cheeks again. “Continue or wait?”

“Continue on.” She sniffled. Waiting would be awful. At least now he might feel slightly tired. If she gave him until tonight, then he’d probably regain some energy.

His hand landed again without warning. Over and over until she was kicking her feet, her cries so loud she had no doubts that Dominic could probably hear them.

Which made it all even more embarrassing.

“D-daddy, no! Please!”

“Sorry this first punishment has to be such a strict one, angel. But you were very naughty.”

Shit. Shit.

Tears flooded down her face, dripping on the wooden floor. Her bottom was hot and throbbing painfully. Sobs racked her body, making it hard to catch her breath.

She vowed to never, ever say another bad word about herself again.

Then the spanks slowed, and he stopped, laying his hand on her lower thighs. Thank God, because she didn’t want anything touching her backside. Ever. Again.

Bain let out a small chuckle. “That’s a shame. I’m quite fond of touching this bottom. It’s so cute.”

“It hurts!” Whoops. She hadn’t actually meant to say that out loud.

“Good. It was meant to. I never want to hear such words coming from your mouth again, understand me?”

“Y-yes, Daddy.”

“Good girl.” He turned her over then lay on his back on the couch with her sprawled over him on her stomach. She continued to quietly sob as his hands rubbed up and down her back, careful not to touch her hot butt cheeks.

“Cry it out. You’ll feel better if you get it all out. That’s my good girl.”

“That. . .that was m-mean.”

“I wasn’t being mean. I was correcting you for saying terrible things about my girl. Who is certainly not stupid or a moron.”

She sobbed in another breath before rubbing her face against him. There, that was better.

“Did you just wipe your face on my shirt?” he asked

“Yes.” He deserved it. He’d caused the tears after all.

His chest moved as he chuckled.

“What’s so funny?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic