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Oh hell. She thought she just might be in trouble here.

“Arianna, stop running through the house!”

Whoops. Caught. She sighed. She turned to find Bain glaring at her. He folded his arms over his massive chest. She actually had to resist the urge to lick her lips. These past two days since Bain had told her that he wanted her as well had been the happiest of her life. They’d spent most of their time together. They’d included Dominic, but he seemed to be happy doing his own thing. Although they forced him to watch a Shrek movie each night.

There hadn’t been any more threats, at least. She’d noticed how quiet everything was. She knew that Bain had taken her laptop and phone. She should demand them back. She couldn’t just cut herself off from work like this.

But it was so nice to have a break. She hadn’t realized how tired and stressed she’d been until that had all been taken off her shoulders.

Of course, the biggest source of her stress was gone. Larry. She hadn’t heard from him since she told him to leave. But she knew it wouldn’t last. No doubt he was plotting something.

She just didn’t know what.

The good news was, the fire the other night at the concert had nothing to do with her. The police had arrested a disgruntled employee who had set off a small explosion. All of the reporters had disappeared from outside her apartment. She guessed they had moved on to something else. Thank God. The bad news was that the cameras hadn’t caught anyone suspicious entering or leaving her dressing room. So they had no leads on who left that last letter.

“But if I don’t get up speed, I can’t slide across the floor.”

His eyes wide

ned. “What?”

“I get up speed on the carpet then once I hit the marble, I can slide with my socks on. It’s fun. You should try it.”

“Now that, I’d pay to see.” Dominic came up behind her. She turned to look at him with a grin.

“You want to try, Dominic?”

He held up his hands. “No thanks, sweetheart. I’m too old for those sorts of shenanigans.”

She snickered. Shenanigans? “You’re not that old, Dominic.”

“Thanks, sweetheart. But I certainly feel old.”

“No one is going to be doing any sliding along the marble,” Bain grumbled. “It’s too dangerous.”

She rolled her eyes at Dominic.

“And I saw that.”

Considering that she hadn’t yet felt comfortable enough to fully let her Little out, he sure didn’t seem to have the same problem with letting out his Daddy side. He’d been showing her more and more of that part of himself. It was intriguing.

“Have to go out for a while,” Bain said abruptly. “Dominic, you’re in charge of her.”

“Uh-oh,” Dominic muttered.

“Where are you going?” she asked nosily.

“Just to run some errands. You stay here. Listen to Dominic. Behave yourself. No sliding on the marble.”

He walked forward and kissed her gently on the lips. They were still tingling as he left.

“The boss man has spoken,” Dominic told her with a grin.

She smiled back. “What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him, though, right?”

Dominic held up his hands. “Oh no. I’m having no part of that.”


Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic