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“You’re right,” she told him.

“I’m always right.”

She snorted.

“This goes as slow or as quick as you want. You have the reins. At least in this. While I’ll have rules for you and I’ll be in charge when you’re Little, you always have the ultimate control. This is your choice. You choose to trust me with your Little, to gift me your submission. You agree to obey my rules and submit to my discipline. You’ll have a safeword to use if you ever feel uncomfortable or scared.”

“You won’t get mad if I use it?”

“I’d never get upset with you for using your safeword. I would never retaliate against you, understand? You use it, we stop and talk about what scared you. All right?”

“All right. What should be my safeword?”

“That’s up to you, angel. Something that you wouldn’t normally say in that situation.”


His lips twitched. “Good choice.”

She sighed with a smile.

“When you feel comfortable with showing me your Little, with trusting me fully, I will be in charge. And there might be some special rules for your Little. Understand?”

“I think so. I don’t know when I’ll be able to. . .to let her out.”

“That’s okay. Got some ideas to help. But that’s your choice. There’s no pressure. Things move at your pace.”

Damn. He was being so amazing. She’d almost expected him to push her because he was so pushy in other areas.

“You’ve already got some rules for your protection. They haven’t changed. They might get adapted once this threat is past. But what has changed is how you’ll get punished if you break them.”

“Punished? I was going to get punished before?”

“With a firm scolding. Now, you’ll get your butt roasted.”

Her eyes widened.

“Any triggers I should know about when it comes to discipline? Hard limits? Soft limits?”

“Umm. I don’t know.”

“You know what I’m talking about though, right?”

“Yeah. I’ve seen some movies.” She blushed.

“Okay. The punishments I’ll use will depend on what rules you’ve broken. Corner time, lines, spankings are pretty standard. A paddle or similar when you’ve very naughty. Any issues with that?”

“I. . .I’ve never been spanked.”

“Never? Hmm. Could explain a few things.” He winked.

“Hey! I’m a good girl.”

“That’s what all Littles say, angel. Usually right before they go over Daddy’s knee and get their bottom spanked.” He tilted her face up. “A lot of Littles don’t like being punished. . .”

Did that mean there were some who did like it?

“But they feel more secure with boundaries. Rules. With knowing their Daddy or Mommy cares about them, about their safety and health and won’t hesitate to correct any naughty behavior. Especially when it puts them at risk. Then after a punishment, everything is forgiven. Slate wiped clean.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic