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“Don’t cry, baby. Have you got bad cramps? Do you have a heating pad? Tylenol?”

“I. . .I. . .what? You. . .I. . .” Spit it out, Arianna.

Bain raised his eyebrows, then looked to Dominic. “Think I’ve shocked her into silence.”

“Probably thinks you’ve been body-snatched since you’re not scolding her.”

“I don’t scold her that often,” Bain snapped.

Okay. There was her ogre. Well, not her ogre.

Bain shook his head as he looked down at her. He gently set her on her feet. “Why didn’t you just say that was the problem? Do you need tampons? Pads?”

“Chocolate? Comfort food?” Dominic added.

“I. . .I. . .all of those things,” she admitted. She dropped her gaze. Even though they were being super understanding she still couldn’t help but feel ashamed.

“No need to be embarrassed,” Bain told her. “We’ve both been married.”

Well, now she felt like an idiot. If she hadn’t made such a big deal of it. . .

“Why don’t you write me a list of what you need, sweetheart and I’ll go grab it for you,” Dominic offered.

“You. . .you’ll go buy me sanitary products?”

“Yep. Not the first time I’ve bought them. I was married for nineteen years before my wife died.”

His wife died? Oh no. That explained the hint of sadness she’d often sensed around Dominic. “I’m so sorry.”

“Thank you, sweetheart. It’s been a few years since I lost Jane. Now, why don’t you write me that list? I’ll go grab you everything and you can let the grouch here coddle you and try to make up for being an ass.”

“I. . .I thank you. But I don’t need coddling.” She

sent Bain a wary look as she moved into her office to grab a piece of paper and a pen.

She handed the list off to Dominic. He took it with a wink. “Be back soon.”

Once he’d left, she was acutely aware that she and Bain were alone.

“Come on. Let’s get you comfy. You want to change into your pajamas?”

“I. . .um. . .yes.”

He raised his eyebrows. “Everything okay?”

“F-fine.” She took a deep breath and focused on her speech. “I’m fine. You’re just. . .I’m not used to you being. . .like this.”

He gave her a puzzled look. “Like what?”

“Umm, kind I guess.”

His eyes widened. “You saying I’m usually mean?”

“What? No, that’s not what I mean.”

“But you don’t think I can be kind.” He crossed his arms over his chest and scowled down at her. Well, right now he kind of looked mean.

Way to go insulting the guy who was just being sweet to you, Ari. The guy you also practically mauled this morning.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic