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“That was rude,” she scolded.

He just raised an eyebrow and grunted. Then he crouched in front of her. Immediately she leaned towards him. She was feeling out of her element. Unsure. And Bain was her one constant.

Maybe he was going to say something reassuring. She could use that right now. As nice as Tom was, she hated invading his privacy. She was worried about Joe and Estelle and about all the people who’d been at the concert tonight. Was anyone hurt?

She twisted her hands in the blanket.

“Arianna, look at me.”

She raised her gaze to his. She was grateful Dominic and Bain had been there tonight. She’d hate to think what would have happened to her if they hadn’t been. They’d gotten her out safely. They’d taken care of her.

She couldn’t remember the last time someone had done that.

Which was pretty sad. Loneliness flooded her. Sometimes she just wished she had someone who would hug her and tell her everything would be okay.

“Tom has a wife and a boyfriend,” Bain said suddenly.

Umm. Okay. That wasn’t what she was expecting him to say. But it was interesting. Wow. She thought that sort of thing only happened in books.

“You won’t mention anything about it to them or to others, understand? We’re in their house. How they live is their choice. We’ll respect that.” His tone wasn’t mean or harsh, but his words made her flinch back.

Did he really think she would do that? That she would make someone feel bad because they chose to live a different lifestyle than was socially acceptable?

She gave him a sharp nod, directing her gaze over his shoulder. She pulled back in on herself. The indifferent mask she used so often slid over her face.

Don’t let him see he hurt you.

Fuck. Fuck.

He’d hurt her. He’d seen it in the way she’d flinched away. And now she’d shut down on him.

You asshole.

He hadn’t said anything to be a jerk. He’d just wanted her to know the situation, so she didn’t say something. . .

Right, and what makes you think she would?

Ari wasn’t who he’d imagined her to be. She wasn’t judgmental, snobby or cold. She was sweet and slightly clumsy. Cute. Kind.

Fuck. He stared at her for a long moment, willing her to look at him. But she kept her gaze off in the distance. She looked so tiny bundled up in the blanket. Finally, with a sigh, he stood. Maybe some distance between them was a good thing. He needed to pull back.

She’s the client.

“I’ll help Tom with the drinks.”

He walked into the kitchen to find Tom at the stove, heating up milk and chocolate. Rugger, Jen’s huge mastiff looked up from where he was lying by the back door.

“Rugger always gets depressed when Jen is gone,” Tom explained as Bain went over to pat the big dog’s head. “Silly thing mopes around like his whole world has disintegrated. Thought it best to keep him in here. Didn’t know whether your friend liked dogs and most people are intimidated by Rugger.”

“She’s not a friend. She’s a client.”

Tom poured the chocolate mix into three mugs. “Right, my bad. She okay? She’s very pale and quiet. Do you think she’s in shock?”

“Had a panic attack in the car.” He gripped the counter as Tom pulled out some whipped cream from the fridge. “I didn’t realize that’s what was happening for a start. She didn’t even make any noise. Didn’t try to alert me. But she was digging her fingernails into her palms. She stopped breathing.”

She’d scared him half to death.

“You obviously got her calmed down. What happened must have been terrifying. I’ve been watching the news reports. I saw a bit of footage of the three of you, that could have gone downhill fast.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic