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What was going on? Panic filled him before he realized how ridiculous he was being.

She’s hugging you, idiot.

Hug her back.

Fuck. Except she was the client. Bad enough he was here like this with her. That he was interacting with her Little without her knowledge. The guilt was fucking eating away at him, but he didn’t know how to broach it with her.

Hey, don’t know if you know this, but you sleepwalk. And when you do, you seem to regress. Are you a Little? ‘Cause maybe I could be your Daddy.

Yeah. That was going to go down fucking well. The other night, he’d tried to keep touching her to an absolute minimum, in no way did he want her to think he was taking advantage of her.

And then she went and hugged him. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

He should have told her after the first night.

Apparently, it was a common misconception that you shouldn’t wake someone who was sleepwalking. You should get them back to bed or try waking them carefully.

But how did he do that without fucking scaring her?

“Arianna, back to bed we go. Well, not we, I mean we need to go back to our separate beds.”

Real smooth, idiot.

Shit. Should have stayed far, far away, you asshole.

Calling himself all sorts of nasty names, he gently tried to pry her off him. He should have called for Dominic the moment she stepped into the kitchen. But he felt so fucking protective of her when she was like this that he couldn’t even stand the idea of his friend being here.

Before he left, though, he was going to have to bring it up with her. She needed to know what was going on. Maybe get some help for it.

The concert was tomorrow. He’d tell her after, she didn’t need more stress right now.

“Angel, you need to let me go. You need to wake up. Go back to bed.”

She shook her head and snuggled closer, letting out a content noise. He glanced down to find her sucking her thumb as she leaned on his chest, her eyes were already drifting closed.

Fuck. Fuck.

“Angel, wake up.”

She was being stubborn.


Oh no. Fuck no. But she held up her arms and looked up at him so trustingly.

Shit. shit. shit.

He closed his eyes. Took a deep breath then lifted her up in his arms, carrying her bridal style.


“Right. Do you need the toilet?”

She shook her head. That was different. No ice cream. No toilet.

“You sure?”


Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic