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“Don’t do that again. We can’t guard you if you don’t do as we say, got it?”

Oh, she got it. She understood that he was a jerk. She thought they were starting to get along the other night. But now he was as grumpy as ever.

Well. That made two of them.

“Arianna? You in here?”

He stepped into her office. If she was hiding under her desk again. . .well, he wasn’t sure what he would do, but she needed to learn not to hide from him. He was in charge of her safety.

He bent down and looked under her desk. Not there.

“Uh, Bain? What you doing, man?”

“Looking for Arianna.” He straightened and looked over at Dominic who raised his eyebrows.

“Under her desk?”

“She’s sneaky and she likes to hide.”

“Can’t imagine why.” Dominic grinned.

“Meaning?” he barked.

“Nothing, man. It’s just, you’re grouchier than usual. And that’s saying something.”

“She broke protocol today.”

Dominic sighed. “She’s clearly having a bad day. Why don’t you just let it go?”

Let it go? Really?

“I think I saw her go into the kitchen. Just take it easy on her, huh? I think she’s more fragile than she appears.”

All he was going to do was talk to her. Wasn’t like he was going to torture her. Or put her over his knee and spank her.

Which is exactly what he wanted to do.

He stomped towards the kitchen. He knew he was overreacting, but he needed to go over things again with her. He needed to know that she would obey him when it came to her safety.

As he neared the kitchen, the sound of laughter caught him by surprise. The door was partially open and he peered inside. Shock filled him as he took her in. Her hair was up in a messy knot on her head with tendrils hanging down. She wore an oversized T-shirt, some bright pink tights and fuzzy white socks.

She looked. . .adorable.

He froze at that thought. He couldn’t find her adorable. She was the client. Nothing more than that.

She spooned up some chocolate frosting and plopped it down on the cupcake in front of her. Then she giggled to herself as she swirled it around. She wiped at her face, leaving a streak of chocolate across her cheek.

Fuck. Adorable was right.

Something shifted inside him. That hard, bitter part of him softened slightly. She looked young and vulnerable.

“Sprinkles, Miss Ari?” Estelle asked, walking up to the counter where Ari sat. Shit. He hadn’t even seen her there.

“Of course! Everything is better with sprinkles!” Arianna clapped her hands with a smile and he was lost. Shock held him immobile. He’d never seen her smile like that before. Or look so carefree. She seemed almost childlike.

Don’t be an idiot. This doesn’t mean anything.

She stuck her tongue out as she concentrated on getting the sprinkles where she wanted. Finally, he forced himself to move away before anyone saw him standing there.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic