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Big deal.

Gradually, she relaxed and started humming to herself.

“Couldn’t you sleep?”

“What? Oh no, I was working.”

“Yeah? On the song you’re humming?”

“Uh-huh. The lyrics are giving me trouble.”

“You write your own music? Thought you just sang other people’s stuff.”

She raised her eyebrows. “How do you know that?”

“Research for the job,” he said stiffly. “That’s all.”

He regretted the words as soon as he saw her shut down. The mask was back, and he fucking hated it. She obviously used it as a shield, and he didn’t want her using it with him.


What was wrong with him?

“I better get back to work.”

“Shouldn’t you be going to sleep,” he commented, unable to help himself. Way to go. Now you not only sound like a prick but a grumpy prick.

If the shoe fits. . .

“Shouldn’t you?” she countered. He nearly smiled at the note of heat in her voice. Anything was better than the icy cold.

“Couldn’t sleep. These last few years, guess I’ve gotten used to the quiet.”

“Where do you live?” she asked curiously.

“Small cabin in the middle of the woods.”

“Really? Huh, just like Shrek.”

He had to grin again. “Yep. But fortunately, I don’t have an annoying donkey sidekick.”

“That’s a shame. I’ve always wanted a donkey sidekick.”

“Someone with your money and fame could buy as many donkey sidekicks as you like.” He aimed to keep his voice light but was aware of a slightly dark undertone.

“Maybe I just can’t find the right one.” There was something sad in her tone. “Good sidekicks are hard to find.” She stood. “A cabin in the woods sounds nice. Bet you get a nice view of the stars at night. Thanks for sharing your sandwich.”

She left and he stared after her. She thought a cabin in the woods sounded nice? She’d hate it. Hell, she’d probably never gone camping in her life. She was a city girl. Rich. Famous.

He needed to remember that.

But as he went back to bed all he could think of was the sadness in her voice.

“Arianna! Arianna, where are you?”

Oh shit.

She looked around her office frantically. Where could she hide? Knowing he had to be close, she dove under her desk.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic