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Just another way Larry had been trying to control her life. By pulling Joe’s loyalty away from her.

Larry’s lawyer had contacted her, asking her to meet with him, since her ex-agent wasn’t legally allowed to be in contact with her. She’d refused. Bain had wanted to call the lawyer and tell him where he could shove his request, but she’d managed to calm him down.

The lawyer had then sent her an email from Larry. He’d tried to explain his actions. He’d pleaded

with her to forgive him. Told her he had nothing to do with Jerry or Rob. He’d just been blinded by opportunity and greed. He’d even tried to convince her that he’d done it all for her.

He was a fucking asshole.

Although, both Jerry and Rob had told the police that they hadn’t been working with Larry.

His career was over. He would now have a record. He would be blackballed from the industry; she’d heard from her record label that no one wanted anything to do with him.

He deserved it all. He’d known those letters were real, yet he’d been willing to risk her safety by trying to convince Bain and Dominic that she’d made them up. He’d paid someone to set a fire. People could have gotten hurt, including her. He’d put pressure on Joe to gamble then used him to keep tabs on her. He hadn’t cared about her safety that night at the concert. Hell, he’d made Joe drive him home rather than wait for her.


Bain had also paid Doctor Jones a visit and he’d admitted to taking money from her parents to give her medication she didn’t really need. Both he and her parents were under investigation. She could have tried to protect her parents. But she was done with them. They’d made their bed. They could lie in it.

Once they’d gotten out of the city and on the road, she’d been able to put most of it behind her. The worry. The stress. When they’d arrived here, she’d immediately felt a sense of home. This place was so beautiful. The mountains. The trees. And the people here had been so kind and accepting.

Most mornings, she got up, had breakfast and went off into her music room for a few hours. She didn’t know how Bain had managed to have the soundproof room built onto the cabin before they’d gotten here. But it was amazing. Not only did she have her own music room, but he’d had the second bedroom turned into a playroom for her.

The record label had been really supportive of her creating her own music. She’d have to go back to New York at some time to record it. And there would be some publicity events she’d have to attend, but Bain had promised he would do what he had to in order to be there with her. She hadn’t yet convinced him to sing with her, but she knew he would eventually cave.

After a few hours of feeding her soul with music, she’d emerge feeling refreshed and amazing. Then she’d spend time with Bain, if he was home. He’d been working from the ranch while she settled in. He didn’t want to go away until he was certain her panic attacks and nightmares were under control. And that she wouldn’t sleepwalk.

A lot of her time spent with Bain was as Little Ari. Honestly, that had done more to help her with her nightmares and panic attacks than anything else could have. But she’d still started Skype sessions with Doc’s brother, who thankfully had a much nicer manner than his brother

She’d been worried that her presence here might be disruptive or not welcome. The last thing she wanted was to cause any problems. But everyone here had been so welcoming. Especially the other Littles. They’d planned a board game night this weekend.

She was going to kick all their asses at Candyland.

She’d never felt more secure or happy in her life.

Bain had even arranged for a porch swing to be installed on the back porch. She loved spending most of her time out there. Even if she got into trouble for letting herself get too cold or not wearing enough clothes.

For someone who had always tried her best to please people, she seemed to manage to get in an awful lot of trouble.

“Get down from there, Arianna.”

“I would if I could.”

“You can’t get back down?”

She shook her head, squeaking as she felt the branch beneath her shift. “No! Help me, Daddy. Please!”

“It’s all right,” he reassured her. “Daddy’s coming. Hope this tree can hold my weight.”

She did too.

She clung on for dear life as he made his way up the tree. When he reached her, he stood on the branch below and wrapped his arm around her. His heat surrounded her.

“It’s okay, baby. I got you. Gonna guide you down. That’s it. Let go now. Move your foot here. Good girl. I won’t let you fall.”

She followed his calm instructions, feeling much braver with him there. She knew he’d never let her fall. Bain could do anything. Even rescue a naughty Little from up a tree.

When they were both on the ground, she threw herself at him. “Thank you, Daddy! I was scared!”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic