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“He heard Ari’s sister telling the doorman that she was moving to Montana,” Bain said. “Then he kidnapped me when the opportunity presented itself. But he didn’t have much of a plan.”

“You should get your head looked at,” Arianna told him worriedly.

“I took some painkillers. I’m fine, angel.”

“Pretty sure his head is made of rocks,” Dominic joked.

Bain narrowed his gaze at the other man. He hadn’t forgotten that he’d let his girl walk into a dangerous situation. It was going to take a long time for him to get off Bain’s shit list.

“Thought you would have enough fucking sense to keep Arianna in the apartment where she would have been safe.”

“I have a feeling I’m going to be hearing about this for a long time to come,” Dominic said dryly.

“Too fucking right.”

“Dominic’s getting a scolding,” she said.

He nearly smiled at the note of teasing in her voice. He was still worried about her but if she could tease right now, she’d be okay.

“I’m so glad you’re all right,” Arianna told him. “I was worried that you thought I had lied to you and that’s why you left.”

“Why? Why would you think that?” He pulled her back, gaping down at her in amazement. “Didn’t Dominic tell you that I was going after your parents to chat with them?”

Dominic held up his hands as Bain scowled at him. “I did, man. I promise. But when you didn’t return, Arianna got really worried. And then when we received those messages, there was no stopping her. She was frantic.”

“She’s five foot nothing and weighs a hundred pounds soaking wet, you’re telling me that you couldn’t keep one tiny little girl from throwing herself into a dangerous situation,” he growled.

“Bain, please,” Arianna begged. “Everything’s okay now. Can we just forget about it?”

Forget about it? Hell, no. But he could stop talking about it for now. Especially when there were more pressing issues.

He cupped her face between his hands. Then he lightly kissed her. “Angel, not for one second did I think you were lying to me. I stayed mostly silent because I wanted to hear what they had to say, wanted to wait for them to hang themselves. But I never believed a word that came out of their mouths. They could have come up with all the fucking bullshit evidence in the world and I still would have believed you. I trust you, angel. Totally and fully.”

Tears dripped down her cheeks.

“Hey, now. No more crying.”

She nodded. Caleb handed him a tissue and he dried her face, wiping her nose.

“There’s something fishy about the doctor who gave you that medication, though.” He looked over at Dominic. “Think we need to look into him.”

She glanced up at him. “What did you talk to my parents about?”

He grimaced. “May have threatened them a bit. Followed them down to foyer to do it away from you. Didn’t want you to get upset.”

She wrapped her arms around him. “How can I be upset when you were taking care of me? Like always.”

“And I always will.”

“I’m sorry my stalker knocked you out and kidnapped you.”

He shook his head. “Life always going to be this exciting with you?”

“God, I hope not. All I want is some peace and quiet and you.”

He kissed her gently. “Then that’s what you’ll have.”

After they’d said goodbye to Caleb and Wolfe, Bain carried her into her bathroom, stripped her off and washed her in the shower. He didn’t linger, setting her down on the small built-in seat as he quickly cleaned himself.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic