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“I’m fine, dear. I need to talk to Miss Ari.”

Arianna turned, gifting the woman a small smile. Come to think of it, it was the first time he’d seen her smile all day. Maybe she didn’t like all this primping and attention? But why do it? He shook that thought off. Wasn’t his problem to try and work her out. He just had to guard her body.

The older woman approached Arianna. She looked perfect. Not a hair out of place. Almost like a freaking doll. Estelle set the water down on the small table that sat between the chairs that had been set up for the interviews. Arianna picked up a glass and he noticed that her hand shook. Estelle put her wrinkled hand over Arianna’s hand. Steadying her? Comforting her? In that moment, Estelle almost appeared to be the stronger one.

He frowned, watching as Estelle slid something out of her pocket, handing it to Arianna. What the fuck? Were those pills?

“What the hell are those? Are those drugs?” He stormed over.

Not your business. Not your problem.

But if she was taking something illegal, he sure a

s shit wasn’t going to just stand by and watch without saying something.

Estelle turned, standing between him and Arianna. Guarding her? From him? He was the fucking bodyguard. And if Estelle was enabling her drug habit then he needed to get her away from Arianna.

“What the fuck did you just give her?” he demanded, tempted to grab hold of the older woman and drag her away.

“None of your business, dear,” Estelle said, but that sweet note in her voice was gone.

“Don’t you take those,” Bain snapped at Arianna.

She stared up at him with wide, frightened eyes. That didn’t sit right with him. Was Dominic right? Was she intimidated by him?

“What are you taking?” he demanded.

“That’s none of your business.” Estelle glared at him.

A small hand crept up and slipped into the older woman’s hand.

“It’s okay, Estelle,” she whispered. “I’ve got it from here.”

The other woman glanced down at the younger one. “You sure?”

Arianna smiled up at her. And he felt his heart skip a beat. She was gorgeous. And it wasn’t due to her make-up, hair or clothes. Her beauty shone.

“I’m sure. Thank you so much for bringing me the water. Why don’t you and Joe go hide before Larry starts demanding things.”

“All right. It’s time for my shows, anyway. Just relax, dear. It will all be over soon.”

As soon as Estelle left, Bain gave Arianna a stern look. “You can’t take those pills.”

She sighed. “They’re herbal. Something to help me relax.”

All right. So at least they weren’t what he thought.


“I get nervous during these interviews.”

That shocked him. “You don’t like doing this sort of stuff?”

She snorted. “No. I’ve never been great in social situations. People often confuse me. I worry about saying the wrong thing. I. . .just. . .maybe these have no effect and it’s a mind over matter sort of thing. . .” she trailed off, looking embarrassed. “I know I should be strong enough not to need them.”

Those words were like a punch to the gut. She thought he was judging her.

And aren’t you?

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic