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She’d never wanted to hurt someone more. “You lying asshole! I don’t have fucking delusions and I never made up the stalker.”

Larry sighed. “Arianna, we both know you’re lying.”

The words made her gasp. Her legs wobbled. Even worse, though? Bain let go of her hand. He believed them? He couldn’t believe them!

She saw everything slipping through her fingers.

“This time, things have gone too far, Arianna,” her mother said. “You involved these nice men. You involved the police. Of course, Larry should never have agreed to help you.”

“I was wrong. But I care about Arianna a great deal. I wanted to make her happy.”

A slow clapping filled the room. She spun and saw Caleb standing there. His face was granite, but his eyes were blazing with anger. “What a command performance. You know, Lars, you and the wicked witch here should go into acting. You could take that comedy routine on the road.”

Relief flooded her. At least someone believed her. But Bain. . .she turned back to him, but he wasn’t looking at her. Instead his gaze was on Larry.

“Caleb,” her mother spat out with thinly-veiled dislike. “I didn’t know you were back in the country. Aren’t you living in some third world hellhole?”

“Third world hellhole?” an accented voice drawled.

She turned toward the voice. How had she missed them? Well, she guessed these were special circumstances so she could be excused for being a bit distracted. Wolfe and Aleki flanked Caleb who stood, glaring at her family. But behind and to their right stood four truly gorgeous men with coffee-colored skin and dark hair.

She wasn’t sure which one had spoken, but when she looked them over, they all reacted differently. The first one stood tall and straight, his glare directed at Larry. His brother next to him was scowling at her mother. He was slightly shorter, but much thicker with muscle. The next brother grinned and winked as her gaze moved over him. He had longer hair; it lay in a shaggy mess that was really quite adorable. The fourth brother wasn’t looking at anyone. He’d half-turned to glance out the window, seemingly oblivious to the tension in the room.

“Did you hear that, Kassim?” the smiling one said.

“I did,” the first brother replied. “Funny, I thought we were the second wealthiest country in the world.”

“Well, our bank account did dip below fifty billion the other day,” the grinning one said. “Perhaps that’s why this bitch thinks she can look down on us.”

Her mother gasped. Whether over being called a bitch or hearing how much the brothers were worth, she wasn’t sure.

“Who are you?” her father demanded. “This is a private conversation.”

“Arianna, tell these people to leave,” her mother demanded. “I’m sure you don’t want an audience for this.”

“Arianna, my offer still stands,” Prince Kassim offered. “Our private jet can be ready within thirty minutes. You are welcome in Escana for as long as you like.”

“A private jet?” Gabrielle asked, smiling at the four brothers. “I wouldn’t mind visiting Escana.”

“You weren’t invited.” Surprisingly it was the fourth brother who spoke, the one who hadn’t even seemed to be paying attention.

Gaby gasped, unused to being rejected.

“The invitation is for Arianna,” Kassim added coldly. “Not anyone else in her family.”

“And if anyone is going anywhere, it’s the four of you,” she told her mother.

She let out a breath, trying to slow her racing heart. She just wanted them to leave. Their lies had cut deep. It showed how little they truly cared about her.

“I have proof,” Larry stated.

“What?” Bain barked.

“I have proof. That Arianna made up her stalker.”

“That piece of paper she gave you could have had anything on it,” Dominic told them. “It’s proof of nothing.”

“What about proof that she wrote it? I saw her do it. On her laptop. The other letters are probably there too.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic