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Oh hell. He didn’t have to tell her twice. She reached down to flick her clit. She circled it, tapped it, her need rose and rose.

“Come with me, baby. Come now,” he yelled.

She cried out as she came. Only managing to stay upright because of his hold of her hips, her legs buckling beneath her. He let out a roar as he followed her over, leaning one hand against the wall, his breath coming in harsh pants, his free arm wrapping around her waist and holding her to him.

A place she never wanted to leave.

It wasn’t until later that she remembered her damn bikini bottoms. Bain went and got them for her.

Ever the gentleman.


Dominic walked into the living room the next afternoon just as she finished smashing Bain’s butt at Candyland. She was starting to think he just might be letting her win.

“Sorry to interrupt. But Ari’s family is downstairs, along with Larry and they’re insisting on seeing her. What do you want me to do?”

“Ari?” Bain turned to her, a frown on his face.

She rubbed at her temples. Crap. “We knew this was coming. Their timing could have been better, though.” Caleb, Aleki, Wolfe and the princes were due soon.

“I can tell them to fuck off,” Dominic suggested with a wolfish grin. “It would be my pleasure.”

“No, let’s get it over and done with and then at least stop worrying about their reaction.” She took in a deep breath. “But if they overstay, I’ll let you both kick them out.”

“Fine,” Dominic grumbled. “I’ll put them in your office. But let them wait for a while.”

“Another game?” she asked Bain.

He just grinned.

She wished she could have made them wait while they played one more game, but the truth was, she wanted to get this over and done with. So ten minutes later, she walked into her office, her hand in Bain’s. She didn’t give a rat’s ass what her family thought about that. It was well past time that she stopped caring about their opinion of her. Her parents and sister were sitting in the exact same places as last time. They were all dressed impeccably, while she wore a pair of worn jeans and an old T-shirt.

Larry on the other hand, stood directly across the room, leaning against the wall.

“Arianna, we need to talk. Alone. Without the staff listening in.” Her mother sneered at Bain.

What? No hello?

Immediately, Arianna straightened her shoulders. She may have put up with barely-veiled insults flung her way, but she wasn’t going to let anyone talk or treat Bain badly.

“Bain is not the staff. He’s my boyfriend. And Dominic is my friend. They both stay.” Although maybe Dominic would like to leave. She sent him an apologetic look. “As long as they both want to.”

He just winked at her. She handed him her phone. He took it with a nod, knowing Caleb was going to call her when they left their hotel. Dominic would go down and let them in through the garage.

Bain drew her against him.

Her mother gave her a pitying look. “Arianna, it’s so sad how delusional you are. These people are not your friends. They are paid to be here. As soon as you stop paying them, they’ll leave.”

“I’m not being paid to be here,” Bain rumbled. “I’m here because I love Arianna.”

Her mother sniffed. “You love her money, more like. Tell me, how much debt did your wife leave you in? Must be a relief to find a rich, vulnerable woman to help pay off all those debts.”

Arianna glared at her mother. How dare she!

“Don’t know where your information came from,” Bain growled. “But you might want to ask for a refund because I don’t have any debts. And I’m not with Arianna for her money.”

Her mother looked him up and down. “Right. And you just expect us to believe that.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic