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No. That would make him no better than his father. He needed to find her someone before he left. He wasn’t sure how to do that, but he couldn’t just leave her.

Fuck. Fuck.

He’d had no right to do any of this.

“Daddy? You okay?”

He looked down at her and realized she’d half-turned in his arms to look up at him. Her gorgeous eyes were filled with concern. She’d spent these past few days taking care of him. He’d always thought that he had to be the caregiver, but she’d shown him it was okay to let someone else look after him. Sometimes, anyway. He wouldn’t give up control that often. And he realized that he wouldn’t do it for just anyone.

But Gigi was special.

He cared so much about her. Had he nearly told her that he loved her earlier? Did he love her? Was it possible that he’d found his girl? But she lived halfway across the world. Sanctuary Ranch was his home. The people there were his family. His mother was only a few hours away by plane. He couldn’t move here.

Would she move there? Could she move there? He didn’t eve

n know.

Maybe it was time to find out.


“I’m not sure why I need to be there for the reading of the will,” Gigi said, tugging at her skirt. She was wearing the same outfit she’d worn to the funeral yesterday. Things had been odd between them since he’d spanked and plugged her yesterday. He’d still taken care of her. Put her to bed that night and held her tight. But something had changed with him and she didn’t think it was because of Penny’s death.

She couldn’t work out what happened. Had she done something wrong?

“The lawyer asked for you to be there.” He frowned down at her. “Why do you keep fiddling? Is your skirt annoying you?”

“No. I’m fine.”

They walked into the elevator together. There was a distance between them that made her heart ache.

Why did she have to fall in love with him?

Maybe he’s preparing to tell you that it’s over. That he wants you out of the house. Maybe he doesn’t want you anymore.

She closed her eyes against the pain.

“Gigi? Hey, it’s all right. Everything will be okay.” He placed his hand on the small of her back as they stepped out of the elevator. It wasn’t a hug, but it was enough to have warmth flooding her. Macca wasn’t like her dad. He was a good man. He wouldn’t just kick her out.

They walked into the reception area of the lawyer’s office to find Macca’s dad standing there talking to Everly, who was a tall, fit-looking woman with honey-blonde hair. Her son, Nico peered up at Gigi with solemn eyes.

“About time you got here,” James barked at his son. Then he sneered at her. “I don’t understand why the slut is here.”

Macca stepped forward, right into his father’s space. “I warned you, do not call her that.”

“Or what?”

Macca grabbed him, slamming him against the wall. Gigi let out a gasp, taking a step forward but Everly appeared next to her, grabbing her arm and pulling her back. Nico grasped hold of Gigi’s hand as well, as though trying to help his mum drag her away.

She couldn’t hear what Macca was saying to his dad, his mouth was close to the older man’s ear. But whatever it was, it seemed to instill fear in the other man as he grew pale, sweat breaking out on his forehead.

“Let Macca deal with him,” Everly told her quietly. “He can’t let him get away with talking to you like that.” She glanced down at her son and Gigi suddenly realized how small the boy was. She turned and crouched down, trying to shield his gaze from Macca and his dad. A little boy shouldn’t be around that.

“Hi Nico,” she said even though Everly had explained to her that Nico didn’t talk much.

The small boy stuck his thumb in his mouth.

“Hello? Is everything all right in here?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic