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“No. . .no, she’s special. She’s so sweet and kind but she can’t look after herself. And she has no one else. Promise to take care of her for me, Alexander.”

“Of course, I will,” he told her. “Do you know where she lives? I’ll go check on her later.” Where he’d probably have to grovel for being a complete ass this morning.

“That’s easy, she lives. . .with. . .me.” His grandmother’s eyes fluttered shut. Fuck. When he’d kicked Gigi out this morning he’d really fucked up. Obviously, Nana cared about her. Shit. This made things harder. Maybe Nan had her contact details at home. He could call her and explain. Definitely grovel.

Why didn’t she tell him who she was?

Maybe because you were a complete ass to her.

He sat by his grandmother’s side for a few more hours, but the feeling of anxiety wouldn’t leave him. Something told him he needed to find Gigi. And now, not later. He stood and kissed his nan’s cheek.

“I’ll be back tomorrow,” he promised her.

“She can’t hear you.” The voice was one he knew all too well and one he’d been hoping to avoid for as long as possible. He turned with a sigh.



“You know I don’t go by that name.”

His father grimaced. “Macca is a ridiculous name. It was fine while you were in high school, but you’re a man now, Alexander.”

“I was just leaving,” Macca told him, stepping forward.

“Surprised you came,” his father told him. His dad’s stomach strained against his expensive shirt, as though he was still buying the same size he’d worn ten years ago.

His thinning hair was combed over to hide his bald spot.

“Of course, I came. You should have called me earlier. I didn’t even know she had cancer.”

“Why? You haven’t been back to visit her for years. I didn’t think you would care.”

Macca’s hands clenched into fists. He didn’t usually have much of a temper, but his father always had this ability to bring out the worst in him.

His father knew only too well why Macca hadn’t visited. Although he might not know that he met Nan every year in Hawaii. They were due for their annual trip in a few months.

Why hadn’t she told him?

“Unless you’re hoping you end up in her will,” his father said slyly. “You’ve wasted your time if you did. All she’s got is that property and a few stock investments.”

Did he really just imply th

at Macca was here for his grandmother’s money? That bastard.

The old man got a gleam in his eyes. Macca recognized that look. Greed.

“If she does leave the property to you, I’ll buy you out at a fair price. I know you want nothing to do with your family.”

Macca narrowed his gaze at his father. It was true he wanted nothing to do with the asshole who fathered him, but there was no way he was offering this out of the goodness of his heart.

Because James McKenzie didn’t possess that organ. No, he wanted Grandma’s house. Why? It had to be worth a bit no matter how his father might downplay it. The beautiful old house lay on acres of farmland and had a view out to the ocean.

“I’ll even take it as is, where is. No need to clear anything out.”

Okay, now he was really suspicious.

“What makes you think Nan left it to me?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic