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“Sh, there we go. See, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” He moved his finger inside her bottom. He wanted to see how she reacted to something in her bottom. As he removed his finger, he glanced down at her folds, seeing the dew that had already gathered. She was definitely not unaffected by what he was doing to her.

He picked up the brand-new thermometer and coated it in some of the lubricant as well. Then he parted her cheeks once more and pressed the tip against her entrance. “Just relax, baby girl. You’ll barely feel it. That’s it. Good girl. That’s my good girl.”

Once he had the thermometer pushed inside her, he gave her bottom a light rub. “We’re going to keep it in there for five minutes. I just want you to lie there and suck on your pacifier and hold Bunnykins, okay? Don’t think about anything else.”

He cleaned his finger on a wipe, not wanting to move out of the room while she was in such a position. The thermometer didn’t have to stay in for a whole five minutes, however he enjoyed the sight of her like this too much to rush it. He stood up, so she didn’t feel like he was just standing there, watching her. But he couldn’t take his gaze from her for long.

She made a gorgeous picture, lying there with her pacifier in her mouth, clutching hold of Bunnykins, her bottom on display with the thermometer sticking out.

Delicious. His cock was rock hard, pressing against his jeans and he had to adjust himself slightly.

When the five minutes was up, he settled on the bed and grabbed hold of the end of the thermometer. He twirled it a few times, listening to her gasp. If she was feeling better, if it was any other time, he might have brought her to orgasm while playing with her bottom. But now wasn’t the time.

He slid the thermometer out and read it with a frown. “101.”

“What?” she asked, pulling out the pacifier.

“Oh, ah, 38.3,” he replied, giving her the Celsius reading since the thermometer read both. “You’re running a temperature.”

“I feel cold, though.”

He grabbed a wipe and cleaned her up.

“Daddy, no!” She tried to reach back for the wipe, her cheeks flaming red.

“Hush, sweet pea. Daddy is just cleaning you up a bit before he tucks you into bed. Put your pacifier back in. There, does that feel better?” he asked once he had her tucked into bed.

She nodded sleepily.

“I’m going to get you some more water to drink. And a cool cloth for your forehead.”

He stood, watching her worriedly as she lay in the bed. She meant so much to him, he hated that she wasn’t well. When he walked into the kitchen, he grabbed his phone and rang the number he’d saved in it for her specialist. He left a message for him to call him back then he carried another bottle with water in it back to her room. He sat next to her, holding her so she was reclining against his chest as she sipped on the water. She was asleep before the bottle was even gone.

He slipped out of the bed without waking her and stretched tiredly. It was too early for bed, but he didn’t feel right just leaving her. Then he remembered the baby monitor he’d ordered. He moved back to where the box of stuff he’d gotten from the post office sat. He set the camera baby monitor up in her room. Not that he wouldn’t check in on her regularly but at least this way he would be alerted if she woke up or had a nightmare.

He continued to tidy up as he waited for her doctor to call.

* * *

Her throat felt so dry. She groaned softly and rolled to her side, coughing.

“Baby girl, you all right?” the masculine voice was surprisingly gentle and she immediately calmed at the sound of it. Daddy.

“Thirsty,” she told him.

“Here you go.” There was some rustling, then she was lifted so she was lying back against a firm chest. She sighed in happiness. No denying she loved being touched by him. A nipple was placed in her mouth, she sucked on the cool water gratefully. While she thought she should probably ask for a glass instead, there was something soothing about the nipple.

She’d kind of enjoyed sucking on that pacifier too. All right, maybe there was no ‘kind of’ about it.

He placed a large hand over her forehead. “Your skin feels a lot cooler, baby girl. But I’m going to take your temperature anyway. Here, hold onto the bot-bot, sweet pea.” He wrapped her hands around the cool bottle.

She drew the nipple from her mouth as he rolled her onto her side. “No, Daddy.”

“Yes, little one,” he replied firmly. “Don’t give me any arguments or you’ll end up getting your bottom smacked like earlier.”

She let out a huff of annoyance, however she knew that wasn’t an idle threat.

“Your doctor said to keep a close eye on you and that if your temperature didn’t go down by morning, I was to bring you in,” he told her. “So let’s hope it’s gone down.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic