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“No, I, uh, I like it.”

He brushed back the hair off her face. He frowned. “You feel a little hot. Sure you’re not too warm?”

She yawned. “No, I’m good, Daddy.”

“Okay, close your eyes and sleep, baby girl. I’m here now. Nothing bad will happen.”


He watched her doze on the couch. Christ, what if his father had really hurt her? He hated that her skin was marred with bruises caused by his flesh and blood, but what if he’d done worse?

Her cheeks were slightly flushed which worried him. Once she woke up, he’d take her temperature. He wondered how she’d react to the way he planned on taking it. He had to smile a little at the thought as he picked up the things he’d bought for her and took them into the kitchen to quickly wash so they were ready when she woke up. He moved back into the study to tidy up his grandmother’s papers. She’d never attempted to use a computer, and she’d liked to keep everything. It was all a mess and it was going to take longer than a few hours to sort through.

Thanks, Dad, you asshole.

He sighed and stood, stretching his back.

“No, no, don’t! Don’t hurt me!” Gigi’s cries filled him with alarm and he turned towards her. She thrashed around on the couch, pushing at the blankie he’d tucked around her. If she kept moving like that, she was going to fall right off the sofa.

“Please, don’t!” she screamed.

He rushed over to her, placing his hand on her forehead. Shit. She was still warm.

Too much sun? A flare up? Worry filled him.

“Sh, baby,” he told her. He knelt down next to the sofa and ran his hand over her hair. “You’re safe. Daddy’s here. Calm down now.”

She settled under his touch and his quietly spoken words. He picked her up, snagging the blankie, and carried her into the living area, settling her on the couch.

“Daddy?” she asked, opening her eyes to stare up at him.

“I’m here, baby.” She sat up and he drew her against him, holding her tight as she shook in his arms. Fuck, he hated this. Finally, her shaking seemed to ease and he lay her back on the sofa. She let out a small whimper.

“It’s all right, baby. I’m not going far. I’m just going to get you a bottle.”


“Sh. I’ll be back soon.” He moved into the kitchen where the stuff he’d cleaned earlier was sitting. He grabbed the bottle and filled it up with cool water before returning to the living area. Sure, he could have gone back to the study for her water bottle, but he wanted to be sure she drank plenty and he thought they might both need this. The teat on the bottle was oversized, for an adult rather than a baby.

He placed it on the small table by the sofa then picked Gigi up and sat with her on his lap. He settled the blankie over her legs then arranged her so she was semi-reclining with an arm supporting her back. Then he picked the bottle up and placed the teat against the lips.

“Open up.”

“D-Daddy?” She stared up at him hesitantly.

“Open your lips, baby girl,” he told her gently. “Remember, you’re my gorgeous little girl. I want to take care of you in all ways. You don’t need to worry about a thing because you’re my sweet, baby girl.”


Okay, he pushed that thought away. He couldn’t take care of her always. He was leaving.


She actually opened her mouth and he slipped the nipple inside. She suckled on it experimentally. Then to his delight she let out a small murmur of pleasure and settled more deeply into his arms, sucking the water down until it was all gone. By the time the bottle was empty, her eyes were half-closed and she was completely relaxed.

Okay, seemed that hunch was correct. He stood and carried her into the bedroom.

She opened her eyes with a frown as he lay her down. “Whatcha doin’, Daddy?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic