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“Nope. Say it louder. I am beautiful, smart and strong.”

“I am beautiful, smart and strong.”

“Louder,” he prompted.

She said it again.

“Now, shout it.”

She leaned back and yelled the words. Then she started to giggle. He smiled down into her face. So gorgeous. So sweet. “Now every time you start to think bad things about yourself, you say those words okay?”

“Hm, I can just imagine the looks I’ll get in the supermarket,” she teased.

He ran his finger down her nose. “Don’t care. Can’t have my baby thinking bad thoughts about herself. Because my baby is beautiful, smart and strong. She’s also loyal, kind and caring.”

“How can you be so perfect?” she murmured. Then she blushed as though just realizing she’d said that out loud. God, she was adorable.

“I’m not perfect. But you can continue to think that way.” He kissed the tip of her nose. He didn’t know why he had an obsession with it, but it was the cutest little nose he’d ever seen.

“You’re right. Your ego is starting to get out of control.”

He tickled her sides. “You take that back, little miss.”

“Daddy, Daddy stop!” she yelled as he placed her on her back. “Stop! I’ll pee myself!”

He immediately drew back, his breath coming fast but not from exertion. Christ, he wanted her. Without giving it too much thought, he leaned in and kissed her. He kept his touch light for a start then deepened the kiss. By the time he drew back, they were both breathing heavily. He sat back and helped her sit up.

Calm, man. Chill. You’re supposed to be helping her get better, not mauling her every chance you get.

“Right, baby girl. Let’s get this tea party set up.” He gently grabbed hold of her chin. “And if something was to get broken, then that’s not something you need to worry about, okay? Nobody is going to get angry or grow disappointed with you. It would just be an accident. Accidents happen. Okay?”

“Okay, Daddy.”

“Good girl.”

* * *

It kind of amazed her how easily she slipped into Little space. She never thought sitting and playing with a tea set and some stuffed toys could be fun. She thought she’d feel self-conscious or silly, especially playing in front of Macca. But when he sat down for his own cup of tea and pretend slice of cake, she realized he didn’t think it was funny at all.

“Oh, thank you for my cup of tea,” he said in a British accent. He took the cup and stuck out his little pinky as he took a big slurp. “This is, quite frankly, the best cup of tea I’ve ever had in my life.”

She giggled. “Daddy, it’s not really tea.”

“What?” he said with mock-horror. He placed his hand against his chest. “You gave me fake-tea? How dare you! Off with your head!”

She laughed so much, she had tears dripping down her face. “Daddy! You put the water into the teapot.” She gestured at the delicate, pretty teapot. She still couldn’t believe he was letting her play with something so beautiful and special. It filled up her bucket, as he’d told her his nan liked to say.

“Well, I thought there was some sort of tea party magic that turned it into real tea.” He winked at her. The sound of his phone ringing made him frown. “I have to take this, sweet pea, you keep playing.”

He stood and grabbing his phone, walked out into the corridor. She wasn’t sure how much time passed until he returned. “Sorry about that, sweet pea.”

“Everything okay, Daddy?” she asked. She wondered if it was a call from home. If he missed Montana and his friends? It sounded like he was close to the people who lived on Sanctuary Ranch. How would it feel to have so many people care about you? She couldn’t even imagine.

“Everything is fine, little one. Thank you for asking. But right now, it’s time for your nap.”

“Nuh-uh,” she told him.

“Excuse me?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic