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“No, it didn’t.”

He stiffened.

“It exceeded them.”

“Jesus. Give a man a heart attack why don’t you?”

“Had to pay you back somehow for making me ask for permission.”

He patted her bottom lightly. “Word of warning, from now on all your orgasms are mine to give or take away. No more making yourself come without me there to supervise.”

“You can’t watch!” she protested.

“Why not? That would be sexy as fuck.”

“It would?” she asked curiously.

“Oh hell yeah.” He shifted around uncomfortably. “But we might need to stop talking about sex before my balls turn permanently blue.”

God, she was so selfish. She immediately reached out to cup the balls in question and he grabbed her hand. “What are you doing?”

“Um, I thought. . .well, I could help you with your, ah, situation.”

“Situation?” he said with clear amusement.

“Yes, your blue balls situation.”

“I appreciate the offer, sweet pea, but tonight was just about you.”

“A-about me?” Was he for real? He wanted nothing in return? Did men really give without receiving?

“Yes, baby girl. I like to give. I don’t need to take.”

“That doesn’t seem fair.”

“Don’t worry, there will be times I take from you. Relax, baby. I’m taking care of you tonight.”

“You always take care of me. One day, you’ll have to let me take care you.”

He kissed her head. “It’s enough for me that you want to.”

It wasn’t enough for her, though. She wanted to show him that she could look after him. She yawned. But maybe not now. Fatigue had her body growing heavy.

“I should go clean up.” She hoped she hadn’t left a wet patch all over him. She cringed inwardly as she tried to push away from him.

“Easy, baby. Lie still.” He held her against him.

“But I’ve probably made a mess.”

“Like I said before, little girls can be messy sometimes. Daddy doesn’t care.”

This was a different type of mess than what they’d been talking about before but if he didn’t care. . .she settled in with a sigh.

“That’s it, sweet pea. Just relax. Nothing will harm you while Daddy’s here.”

She drifted, dozed. Only rousing when she felt herself being lifted into the air.

“Daddy?” she said sleepily as he carried her.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic