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Shoot! Where was it?

“Who the hell are you? And what are you doing in my grandmother’s house?”

She let out a scream at the sound of the booming voice. Instinctively she tried to rise and smashed her head against the dresser.

Idiot. Idiot.

Heart racing, she squirmed out from under the chunky piece of furniture and turned to look over her shoulder guiltily as she stood. She rubbed her aching head, tears stinging her eyes from the pain. Her body shook, a rush of adrenaline accompanying the surge of fear that had engulfed her body.

Being yelled at was a huge trigger for her. She guessed nobody liked being screamed at, but when you’ve been verbally and physically abused for most of your life your reaction tended to be more on the extreme end.

Which is why she found herself barely able to stand, her body hunched in on itself as she waited for a blow.

“Fuck! You’re the girl from Nan’s room! Did you steal her house key? Is that why you’re here? To rob her?” He looked around the room, spotting the open jewelry boxes. “You’re taking her jewelry?”

“N-no,” she whispered, but her voice was reed thin, so quiet she didn’t think he heard her.

His gaze slammed into hers. Gone was any hint of kindness or warmth she’d seen yesterday as he’d apologized to her. In its place was a blazing fury that had her throat seizing, the air trapping in her lungs.

Breathe, Gigi. Breathe.

Trembles continued to rock her body as she stood there.

“What the fuck! I can’t believe this. My nan lies dying, and you come to steal her stuff? Who the fuck does that?”

She shook her head. No, she’d never. . .how could he think that?

Because he has no clue who you are.

He ran his hand over his face. He looked almost as tired as he did yesterday. A pang of sympathy filled her.

Jesus, Gigi. This guy thinks you’re a thief. He’s probably about to call the cops and you feel sorry for him?

“No? No, what? You’re not stealing my grandmother’s jewelry? Then what are you doing here?”

“I. . .I. . .I. . .”

Fuck. Shit.

“Just get out,” he said tiredly.

What? Get out? Out of the room or. . .

“Get out of my grandmother’s house now and I won’t call the cops. But first give me the key you stole.”

She couldn’t leave. This was her home.

“But. . .I can’t go. . .”

His face grew so hard it frightened her. Gigi felt her stomach roll over. She’d been eating as little as possible since Penny was admitted to the hospice. There was plenty of food in the cupboards, however it didn’t feel right just to help herself. She got room and board as well as a small amount of money each week for helping Penny. But now she felt like a freeloader.

You should leave. You shouldn’t be here.

It was time to go. At least she had some money saved, it would have to tie her over until she found another job. But it would hurt her to leave this place. It was the first real home she’d ever had.

It’s not yours. Penny isn’t your family. You need to leave.

“O-okay. . .I need to get—”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic