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“Silly Daddy, thinking you were a boy, Bunnykins,” she said, clasping the bunny tight. “Oh, I guess she does have a name.”

“Bunnykins is perfect,” he told her.

He led her to a different door down the passage. She knew what this room was. It was his bedroom. A flush of arousal and pleasure moved through her as he led her inside. The room was neat and tidy, which was a surprise. She’d expected the bed to at least be unmade. But he was tidier than she was.

His bed was large and had a gorgeous wrought iron headboard. His bedding was dark gray. “I have a television in here you can watch. Nothing scary,” he told her sternly. “You’re to stick to cartoons. And you’re only to watch television for one hour. Too much TV can affect little minds.”

She gaped at him. He wasn’t serious, right?

But from the look on his face, he was. One hour. That sucked. Oh well, at least she had her eReader and truth be told, she’d rather read than watch TV anyway.

He slid back the covers and she settled in. He tucked her in then sat next to her. “Rest up, baby girl. I’ll be back before you know it. I’ll check in with Everly. And drink your water. I’m going to bring back a notebook and I will be noting down any naughty behavior.”

That threat sent a little shiver up her spine.

Oh, she was in so much trouble.

* * *

Macca stepped into his nan’s room. A nurse turned away from the bed to smile at him.

“Mr. McKenzie, how are you?” she asked.

“All right. How is Nan doing today?”

Her smile grew sad. “As well as can be expected. Her lucid times are few and far between. I know she must enjoy having you visit.”

“Has my father been in today?” Or any other day. . .

The nurse’s face turned strictly professional. “Ah, no. I’ll go and give you some time alone with your grandmother.”

“Hey, Nan, how are you today?” Macca moved closer to the bed. He felt a stab of guilt for not spending all of his time with her. She looked so frail lying there. He didn’t want her to be on her own. But he also knew she wouldn’t want him to just sit around all day, staring at her.

She’d want to know you were looking after Gigi.

“Gigi got out of the hospital today. Don’t worry, I didn’t leave her at home alone.” He sat in a chair next to the bed and took her frail hand in his. “Everly and Nico are at your place with her. She’s special, Nan. I can see why you were drawn to her. I wish you’d told me about her.”

He guessed he’d never know why she hadn?


“I really like her. I promise I’ll take good care of her for you.”

There was no response. He stood and leaned over, lightly brushing his lips across her cool forehead. “I love you, Nan. Always. You were always there for me. No matter what.”

I’ll miss you when you’re gone.

He didn’t say the words. Wasn’t ready yet to say goodbye. Didn’t know how he ever would be.

An hour later, as he was walking out to the car, his phone rang. He sighed as he saw it was his father. He’d ignore the call, but he knew he’d keep calling until Macca answered.

Or worse, he’d come looking for him.

He sighed. “Yes, father?”

“Alexander, where are you?”

“Visiting Nan. Why?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic