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Macca would be seeing to that as well. He couldn’t eliminate all stress, although it would be a lot easier if she let her Little out and let him take over.

His phone rang through the car’s Bluetooth system.


“Macca? It’s Kent.”

“Hey, chief. How’s it going?”

“Things here are good. How are you? How is your nan?”

He swallowed past the lump in his throat, having to work hard to keep himself from breaking down. “Not good, man. They reckon she has a week or two left.”

There was a beat of silence. “I’m so sorry to hear that. Is there anything we can do? I can fly over there if you need me.”

That he’d offered meant everything. Kent was more than his boss. He was family. Same as everyone else on Sanctuary.

“Thanks, man,” he said. “But I’m good for now.”

“If you need us, call. We’ll be there.”

“I know. I appreciate it.”

The call ended and he took a deep breath. Most of his family might be across the other side of the world. But they’d drop everything if he needed them.


She glanced away from the TV as her door opened. She was expecting the nurse, so she was surprised when Macca walked in, a small duffel bag over one shoulder and a white plastic bag in his other hand.

Even though he said he would be back, she guessed she hadn’t truly believed him. But here he was, doing as he’d promised he would.

The only person who had ever followed through on their word to her was Penny.

“Macca,” she greeted him with a smile.

He stilled, a funny look on his face. What was wrong? Did she have something on her face? She reached up to feel around her mouth. She hadn’t eaten much hospital food; it was all bland and boring.

“Is there something in my teeth?”

“What? No, baby. It’s just. . .you should smile more often.”

She blinked. She’d never really had much to smile about before meeting Penny.


He moved forward and placed the duffel on the chair before setting the white bag on her tray. “Have you eaten dinner, baby?”

“Uh, no. They haven’t come around yet.”

“Good. I had some meals made up for us. Think they’ll taste better than hospital crap. And I brought you some of your stuff from home.” He waved down at the duffel bag. “Would you rather eat first or get changed out of that hospital gown?”

The smells drifting from the white bag made her tummy grumble. “Food first.”

Besides, she might need a full stomach in order to tackle getting changed. She had a feeling Macca was going to insist on helping her.

That wasn’t happening.

He frowned. “Your tummy is growling. Haven’t they been feeding you?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic