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“I was thinking what if we let Everly and Nico live here?”

She bounced up and down with excitement, wincing slightly as her sore ass protested, clapping her hands but keeping her lips together.

He grinned. “You can talk now.”

“I think that’s a wonderful idea. Everly said they’re living in a tiny one-bed apartment. They’d love to live here.” She frowned.

“What is it?”

“What if your dad tries to hassle them or something? What if tying the will up in court means they get thrown out or something?”

“I don’t know if that can happen but I’ll need to check with Mr. Georgeson. As for my father, well, I may need to figure something out. But whatever happens, I will take care of it. And you. I will always take care of you.”

“I’m yours, Daddy. And you’re mine. I love you so much.”

“Me too, little one.”

They smiled at each other then his eyes widened. “Oh, wait. I forgot the letter.” He snapped his fingers and climbing from the bed, he grabbed his pants, tugging out an envelope from the pocket.

He sat back on the edge of the mattress and she slid over next to him, moving gingerly with her sore ass.

His name was scrawled on the front of the envelope. She easily recognized Penny’s writing. She wrapped her arm around him. “Would you like me to leave you to read it?”

“No, I want you to stay.” He opened the letter.

Dear Alexander,

If you’re reading this, darling, I’m gone. I know you must be confused and maybe angry about why I didn’t tell you I was ill but I had my reasons. I knew you’d insist on coming home to care for me. I didn’t want that for you. You have a life of your own and I didn’t want you dropping everything to come care for an old woman. Especially not when I know what bad memories this place has for you. Your father is a troubled man, definitely not a good man. I hated the way he treated your mother, and I tried to help her leave him many times. Thank goodness, she took my help in the end.

And now I must ask for your help. I know you are probably confused why I left the house to Georgina. She has been my rock, Alexander. We met when she needed me. But what she didn’t know was how much I needed her. It probably wasn’t fair of me, to bring such a young, vibrant girl into a house with a sick, old lady, but I was selfish. I wanted that darling girl. I wanted to help her.

And I wanted her for you.

Now, I know you think I sound crazy. I’ve never told you this, but your grandfather and I had a unique relationship. I was his sub. And sometimes I was his baby girl. I know that’s the sort of relationship you desire, I’ve seen your Daddy side come out many times. And I think that Georgina could very much use a Daddy. A Dom. Someone to love and cherish her.

But that is up to the two of you. I can but hope I guided the two of you together. I kept her a secret, well, because I’m selfish again. I knew you would have looked into her, and her past doesn’t accurately show what a kind, generous, sweet girl she is. Only being in her presence will do that.

So, if you didn’t meet and fall in love as I had hoped, I left her the house so that she could have some security. So that she could have a home. I know you don’t need it, darling. And I know you would understand.

Your father on the other hand. . .I write this part with a heavy heart. I know he will do whatever he needs to gain ownership of the house and land. You see, your father was hit hard in the recession. He had extended himself too far and ended up in financial difficulty. I had received an offer from an investor who wanted to tear my house down and build a resort. I refused. Your father was putting pressure on me to sell to help him out. Little did he know that I could have helped him without selling up. However, the way he acted towards me, well, let’s just say that there was no way I was giving him any money.

However, your father found out about the investor. He took a deposit from him, knowing I wouldn’t be around for long. He needs ownership of this house, Alexander. And he will turn nasty. I have something to stop him from doing anything to you or Georgina or the house. You’ll find it in the back garden under our favorite tree where we used to sit and watch the ocean.

I’ve always been proud of you, Alexander. I love you, always.


Gigi wiped away tears.

“Holy shit. Nan was a sub?”

Gigi let out a watery giggle. “And a Little.”

“Jesus, I never even had a clue. And she knew about me. She wanted us to meet up.” He looked down at her and she smiled up at him tentatively. “I

guess she’s looking down and smiling. My Nan, the matchmaker.” He shook his head then he laughed. “I can’t believe it.”

“Neither can I. She wanted to give me a home. Either with you or here.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic